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GeneralRe: WPF C# check if logged on with MS account Pin
Member 798746123-Jan-18 1:03
Member 798746123-Jan-18 1:03 
Questionis there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
joost.versteegen21-Jan-18 23:38
joost.versteegen21-Jan-18 23:38 
AnswerRe: is there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
Nathan Minier22-Jan-18 1:15
professionalNathan Minier22-Jan-18 1:15 
GeneralRe: is there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
joost.versteegen22-Jan-18 1:31
joost.versteegen22-Jan-18 1:31 
GeneralRe: is there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
Nathan Minier22-Jan-18 2:00
professionalNathan Minier22-Jan-18 2:00 
SuggestionRe: is there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
Richard Deeming22-Jan-18 8:11
mveRichard Deeming22-Jan-18 8:11 
GeneralRe: is there a way to define the signature of a delegate in an interface without defining the signature twice? Pin
joost.versteegen22-Jan-18 21:17
joost.versteegen22-Jan-18 21:17 
QuestionWPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
Derek Kennard21-Jan-18 19:30
professionalDerek Kennard21-Jan-18 19:30 
Hello, when I press the X in the top right hand corner of the application, I get a messagebox. The messagebox ask me a Yes/No question. If I press YES, all is good and the application closes. When I press NO, I can continue to use the application. Now the problem. If I press NO, then I can never press the X in the top right hand corner. It's as if the NO answer disables the ability to ever close the application again. How can I say NO and be able to press the X again when I want to close the application later?

private void DXWindow_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
			var result =
							    Properties.Resources.MainWindowMsgBox3 + Environment.NewLine +
							    Properties.Resources.MainWindowMsgBox4 + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
							    Properties.Resources.MainWindowMsgBox6, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question,
			Log.Info("User engaged Application Closure Event");
			switch (result)
				case MessageBoxResult.Yes:
					Log.Info("Main Window Closed");
				case MessageBoxResult.No:
					e.Cancel = true;

AnswerRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
phil.o21-Jan-18 23:03
professionalphil.o21-Jan-18 23:03 
GeneralRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
Derek Kennard22-Jan-18 6:37
professionalDerek Kennard22-Jan-18 6:37 
GeneralRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
phil.o22-Jan-18 6:40
professionalphil.o22-Jan-18 6:40 
GeneralRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
Derek Kennard22-Jan-18 7:43
professionalDerek Kennard22-Jan-18 7:43 
GeneralRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
Derek Kennard23-Jan-18 8:05
professionalDerek Kennard23-Jan-18 8:05 
GeneralRe: WPF C# Messagebox Result Issue Pin
phil.o23-Jan-18 11:53
professionalphil.o23-Jan-18 11:53 
QuestionCoding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Member 1358827720-Jan-18 2:03
Member 1358827720-Jan-18 2:03 
SuggestionRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Jan-18 3:01
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Jan-18 3:01 
AnswerRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
BillWoodruff20-Jan-18 5:17
professionalBillWoodruff20-Jan-18 5:17 
AnswerRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Eddy Vluggen21-Jan-18 3:10
professionalEddy Vluggen21-Jan-18 3:10 
GeneralRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Nathan Minier22-Jan-18 1:21
professionalNathan Minier22-Jan-18 1:21 
GeneralRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Member 1358827722-Jan-18 5:47
Member 1358827722-Jan-18 5:47 
GeneralRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Nathan Minier22-Jan-18 5:58
professionalNathan Minier22-Jan-18 5:58 
GeneralRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-Jan-18 8:42
professionalEddy Vluggen22-Jan-18 8:42 
AnswerRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Gerry Schmitz22-Jan-18 12:03
mveGerry Schmitz22-Jan-18 12:03 
QuestionRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-Jan-18 13:54
professionalEddy Vluggen22-Jan-18 13:54 
AnswerRe: Coding Moveable Elements for Games or Whatever Pin
Gerry Schmitz22-Jan-18 14:23
mveGerry Schmitz22-Jan-18 14:23 

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