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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: How to Read/Write schema file .xsd in c++ Pin
jschell1-Jan-18 6:30
jschell1-Jan-18 6:30 
GeneralRe: How to Read/Write schema file .xsd in c++ Pin
brraj1-Jan-18 17:56
brraj1-Jan-18 17:56 
GeneralRe: How to Read/Write schema file .xsd in c++ Pin
jschell3-Jan-18 13:08
jschell3-Jan-18 13:08 
QuestionStruct type and memory Pin
Anonygeeker27-Dec-17 18:17
Anonygeeker27-Dec-17 18:17 
AnswerRe: Struct type and memory Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Dec-17 21:47
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Dec-17 21:47 
QuestionRe: Struct type and memory Pin
David Crow28-Dec-17 2:52
David Crow28-Dec-17 2:52 
AnswerRe: Struct type and memory Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Dec-17 3:38
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Dec-17 3:38 
QuestionTo write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 20:09
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 20:09 
here is the code i have wrriten but when reaching the for()loop it just skips though the first loop of for( i.e. i=0 )and starts with i=1. What is wrong in the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
	int i, log, k, c1=0, c2=0, j=0;
	char team_1[100], team_2[100], input[100], ch;

	printf("Enter name of Team-1: \n");

	printf("Enter the name of Team-2\n");

	if(strcmp(team_1, team_2)==0)
        printf("Oops! both names are same. Please enter again: \n");
        while(strcmp(team_1, team_2)==0)
            printf("Enter name of Team-1: \n");

            printf("Enter the name of Team-2\n");

	printf("Enter the number of logs: \n\n");
	scanf("%d", &log);

	for(i=0; i<log; i++)
		printf("Enter log-%d\n", i+1);
		if(strcmp(input, team_1) == 0)

		else if(strcmp(input, team_2) == 0)

        for(k=0; k<=strlen(input); k++)

		printf("Team-1 wins");
		printf("Team-2 wins");

	return 0;

AnswerRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Victor Nijegorodov26-Dec-17 21:57
Victor Nijegorodov26-Dec-17 21:57 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 22:30
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 22:30 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Victor Nijegorodov26-Dec-17 23:03
Victor Nijegorodov26-Dec-17 23:03 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 23:17
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 23:17 
AnswerRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Dec-17 22:29
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Dec-17 22:29 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 22:43
Tarun Jha26-Dec-17 22:43 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Dec-17 23:28
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Dec-17 23:28 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 0:23
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 0:23 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Dec-17 0:25
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Dec-17 0:25 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 1:09
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 1:09 
AnswerRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 1:11
Tarun Jha27-Dec-17 1:11 
AnswerRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Vaclav_28-Dec-17 13:24
Vaclav_28-Dec-17 13:24 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Dec-17 21:17
Victor Nijegorodov28-Dec-17 21:17 
GeneralRe: To write a c program to maintain a log of football match b/w 2 teams and then compare the results of the log entered by user and announce the winner. Pin
Tarun Jha31-Dec-17 12:30
Tarun Jha31-Dec-17 12:30 
QuestionClasses hierarchy? Pin
Vaclav_24-Dec-17 7:53
Vaclav_24-Dec-17 7:53 
AnswerRe: Classes hierarchy? Pin
Rick York24-Dec-17 10:36
mveRick York24-Dec-17 10:36 
QuestionCode consuming lot of RAM (Memory) Pin
User 1350945018-Dec-17 23:21
professionalUser 1350945018-Dec-17 23:21 

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