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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
Maximilien16-Nov-17 5:45
Maximilien16-Nov-17 5:45 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
charlieg16-Nov-17 11:11
charlieg16-Nov-17 11:11 
AnswerRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
jschell16-Nov-17 13:27
jschell16-Nov-17 13:27 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
charlieg17-Nov-17 7:17
charlieg17-Nov-17 7:17 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
jschell17-Nov-17 10:45
jschell17-Nov-17 10:45 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
CPallini23-Nov-17 22:29
mveCPallini23-Nov-17 22:29 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
charlieg29-Nov-17 11:19
charlieg29-Nov-17 11:19 
GeneralRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
CPallini29-Nov-17 11:42
mveCPallini29-Nov-17 11:42 
You are welcome.
AnswerRe: C++ formatting into a buffer - why so elephanting difficult? Pin
Rick York25-Nov-17 19:53
mveRick York25-Nov-17 19:53 
QuestionCStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow15-Nov-17 16:35
ForNow15-Nov-17 16:35 
AnswerRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
Jochen Arndt15-Nov-17 21:15
professionalJochen Arndt15-Nov-17 21:15 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow17-Nov-17 3:42
ForNow17-Nov-17 3:42 
AnswerRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
Jochen Arndt17-Nov-17 4:01
professionalJochen Arndt17-Nov-17 4:01 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow17-Nov-17 4:10
ForNow17-Nov-17 4:10 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow19-Nov-17 3:30
ForNow19-Nov-17 3:30 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
Jochen Arndt19-Nov-17 7:35
professionalJochen Arndt19-Nov-17 7:35 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow19-Nov-17 8:38
ForNow19-Nov-17 8:38 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
Jochen Arndt19-Nov-17 21:27
professionalJochen Arndt19-Nov-17 21:27 
GeneralRe: CStatic::Drawitem gets called repeatledly Pin
ForNow20-Nov-17 1:28
ForNow20-Nov-17 1:28 
QuestionHiding tab control for CPropertySheet Pin
Joe Woodbury14-Nov-17 15:13
professionalJoe Woodbury14-Nov-17 15:13 
AnswerRe: Hiding tab control for CPropertySheet Pin
David Crow15-Nov-17 2:38
David Crow15-Nov-17 2:38 
AnswerRe: Hiding tab control for CPropertySheet Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-Nov-17 5:30
Victor Nijegorodov15-Nov-17 5:30 
GeneralRe: Hiding tab control for CPropertySheet Pin
Joe Woodbury15-Nov-17 7:14
professionalJoe Woodbury15-Nov-17 7:14 
GeneralRe: Hiding tab control for CPropertySheet Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-Nov-17 10:13
Victor Nijegorodov15-Nov-17 10:13 
QuestionDumping Derived CStatic Object Pin
ForNow9-Nov-17 13:02
ForNow9-Nov-17 13:02 

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