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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: raytracer Pin
leon de boer3-Oct-17 4:47
leon de boer3-Oct-17 4:47 
GeneralRe: raytracer Pin
bluatigro6-Oct-17 1:30
bluatigro6-Oct-17 1:30 
GeneralRe: raytracer Pin
bluatigro22-Oct-17 22:37
bluatigro22-Oct-17 22:37 
QuestionCPP Syntax Pin
Bram van Kampen28-Sep-17 11:17
Bram van Kampen28-Sep-17 11:17 
AnswerRe: CPP Syntax Pin
CPallini28-Sep-17 22:16
mveCPallini28-Sep-17 22:16 
GeneralRe: CPP Syntax Pin
Bram van Kampen6-Oct-17 13:51
Bram van Kampen6-Oct-17 13:51 
QuestionComparing Files for Differences Pin
Member 1343302227-Sep-17 3:42
Member 1343302227-Sep-17 3:42 
AnswerRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
jeron127-Sep-17 4:09
jeron127-Sep-17 4:09 
Can you solve it on a piece of paper? While many could, no one is going to write the code for you. Give it a shot, and if you have specific questions, people here are usually more than willing to help.
"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle

QuestionRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
David Crow27-Sep-17 5:24
David Crow27-Sep-17 5:24 
AnswerRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
jschell27-Sep-17 9:23
jschell27-Sep-17 9:23 
GeneralRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
Member 1343302228-Sep-17 2:41
Member 1343302228-Sep-17 2:41 
GeneralRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
Jochen Arndt28-Sep-17 3:29
professionalJochen Arndt28-Sep-17 3:29 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
29-Sep-17 4:00
Member 1343302229-Sep-17 4:00 
GeneralRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
jeron129-Sep-17 4:47
jeron129-Sep-17 4:47 
GeneralRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
Jochen Arndt29-Sep-17 4:58
professionalJochen Arndt29-Sep-17 4:58 
GeneralRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
jschell29-Sep-17 6:57
jschell29-Sep-17 6:57 
AnswerRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
Joe Woodbury29-Sep-17 13:04
professionalJoe Woodbury29-Sep-17 13:04 
AnswerRe: Comparing Files for Differences Pin
User 5838523-Oct-17 7:28
User 5838523-Oct-17 7:28 
Questionsend notification to srvice Pin
john563226-Sep-17 23:05
john563226-Sep-17 23:05 
AnswerRe: send notification to srvice Pin
CPallini26-Sep-17 23:25
mveCPallini26-Sep-17 23:25 
QuestionTo create drag and drop graphics builder Pin
manoharbalu25-Sep-17 21:05
manoharbalu25-Sep-17 21:05 
AnswerRe: To create drag and drop graphics builder Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Sep-17 21:19
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Sep-17 21:19 
GeneralRe: To create drag and drop graphics builder Pin
manoharbalu25-Sep-17 22:26
manoharbalu25-Sep-17 22:26 
GeneralRe: To create drag and drop graphics builder Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Sep-17 22:30
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Sep-17 22:30 
QuestionHelp with no default constructor message Pin
ForNow23-Sep-17 19:03
ForNow23-Sep-17 19:03 

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