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QuestionHelp with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
ForNow19-Jul-17 13:47
ForNow19-Jul-17 13:47 
AnswerRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
leon de boer19-Jul-17 20:16
leon de boer19-Jul-17 20:16 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
ForNow19-Jul-17 21:42
ForNow19-Jul-17 21:42 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
leon de boer19-Jul-17 22:05
leon de boer19-Jul-17 22:05 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
ForNow20-Jul-17 6:43
ForNow20-Jul-17 6:43 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
leon de boer20-Jul-17 17:29
leon de boer20-Jul-17 17:29 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
ForNow21-Jul-17 2:47
ForNow21-Jul-17 2:47 
GeneralRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
leon de boer21-Jul-17 3:35
leon de boer21-Jul-17 3:35 
Yes any dialog or window can be created from templates. The window one usually catches even seasoned programmers out. If you look at the template call CreateDialogIndirectParam the DLGPROC is optional. What you do is pass in the window handler and use setwindowlong to put it onto the modeless dialog which just happens to have all the style flags of a window. Once it has the handler attached you can just insert it into any APP window or even the desktop because it's a normal window and so you fake CreateDialogIndirectParam returning a fail. Did you notice it's up to you to call DestroyWindow and that is why they don't do it automatically. Sometimes it's useful to lie to the API Smile | :)

Yes its a template you can launch multiple copies as it only gets read and all global alloc memory is thread safe. It can't write or move anything as you usually only allocate just enough space to hold the resource. I assume that all still holds true for MFC. Officially the GlobalAlloc etc is now "old" but they have not got around to giving us replacement template system.

Most windows programmers are familiar with LoadResource and loading bitmap/icons/menus etc because they are going to draw them on screen alot but using the system for dialogs and windows usually escapes them because they don't need the response of a window like in your example.
In vino veritas

modified 21-Jul-17 9:50am.

AnswerRe: Help with Heap Corruption "Critical error detected c0000374" Pin
Jochen Arndt19-Jul-17 21:36
professionalJochen Arndt19-Jul-17 21:36 
GeneralCards.dll Pin
Member 1171866719-Jul-17 1:40
Member 1171866719-Jul-17 1:40 
AnswerRe: Cards.dll Pin
Jochen Arndt19-Jul-17 3:29
professionalJochen Arndt19-Jul-17 3:29 
GeneralRe: Cards.dll Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Jul-17 4:59
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Jul-17 4:59 
GeneralRe: Cards.dll Pin
leon de boer19-Jul-17 5:54
leon de boer19-Jul-17 5:54 
GeneralRe: Cards.dll Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Jul-17 6:58
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Jul-17 6:58 
QuestionCompiler generated code Pin
ForNow13-Jul-17 14:43
ForNow13-Jul-17 14:43 
AnswerRe: Compiler generated code Pin
leon de boer13-Jul-17 16:43
leon de boer13-Jul-17 16:43 
GeneralRe: Compiler generated code Pin
jschell15-Jul-17 7:34
jschell15-Jul-17 7:34 
AnswerRe: Compiler generated code Pin
Peter_in_278013-Jul-17 16:44
professionalPeter_in_278013-Jul-17 16:44 
QuestionInterprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
Chris Maunder12-Jul-17 13:14
cofounderChris Maunder12-Jul-17 13:14 
AnswerRe: Interprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
Espen Harlinn12-Jul-17 14:03
professionalEspen Harlinn12-Jul-17 14:03 
GeneralRe: Interprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
leon de boer12-Jul-17 18:49
leon de boer12-Jul-17 18:49 
AnswerRe: Interprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
Randor 13-Jul-17 14:08
professional Randor 13-Jul-17 14:08 
GeneralRe: Interprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
Chris Maunder19-Jul-17 6:01
cofounderChris Maunder19-Jul-17 6:01 
AnswerRe: Interprocess communication in C without pipes or disk Pin
Joe Woodbury17-Jul-17 10:53
professionalJoe Woodbury17-Jul-17 10:53 
Questionwhich one would be better? Pin
bestbear11-Jul-17 1:51
bestbear11-Jul-17 1:51 

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