If you right-click the warning do you get a menu with Suppress on it?
I don't want to suppress the warning, just to not report it on lines that it should not appears (after fixing the warning).
Anyway, it is only a minor annoyance, will keep testing/using it .
I'd rather be phishing!
As I say, if you right-click the warning you can suppress it for that line, not suppress the warning for every line.
Yes but he's saying that he did what the warning wanted and the warning keeps coming up anyway on that line.
He's asking for a way to make it work right.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
"Any way to reset the warnings so that it won't retrigger the same warnings ?"
Hi All,
I have a C++ application which reads access (.mdb) file. This application runs fine on Windows XP,7 OS. But when I run the application on Embedded Standard OS, it gives me System Error 126 (Microsoft Access Driver).
What would be the best solution for this?
Kindly help in solving this problem.
Thanks In advance
That usually indicates a missing or mis-configured driver. You need to check that the Access driver is correctly installed.
Thanks for taking time to answer.
Now I've installed MS-office and Access database Engine 2010 drive also. Bit still the application is giving same error.
The OS is Windows Embedded Standard 2009, service pack 3.
Is there any other way to solve this problem? Like by using different driver from code instead of Microsoft Access Driver (*mdb)?
The error code alone is not enough. You need to find out where and why the error is being raised.
The error is occurring when access database is tried to open.
As you said in the previous reply, missing of driver, Can the driver be installed explicitly by using any tool?
The problem here is I'm not having the CD of OS using which I could have reinstalled the missing driver.
can you suggest any other way to fix it
Sorry but I have never used it in embedded. You will need to use the debugger, or similar tool, to gather more information. Have you tried Google to see if other people have come across the same problem?
Ya I searched. everywhere they are suggesting to install the driver using installation CD which currently I'm not able to as I do not have a CD..
Embedded 2009 is an XP OS, with bits added, and taken away....
And thats probably the issue. Its a PITA finding out what was ripped out, I have see all kinds of crap with this version, it takes a lot of detective work to figure out quite how MSFT broke it.
Any solution that you could suggest in finding the exact problem and getting it solved?
google the issue, ask on msft forums, try to work out which compmonent is throwing the error. Get a working XP system and compare it to the embedded 2009 one, look for files, registry settings that are differemt.
Its a PITA, like I said.
Munchies_Matt wrote: I have see all kinds of crap with this version, it takes a lot of detective work to figure out quite how MSFT broke it.
Care to elaborate? Microsoft did not distribute prebuilt embedded OS images for that version. The embedded OS is built by you or someone in your organization using the 'Target Designer' which allows you to select from many thousands of packages.
If anything is broken... blame the guy who builds the OS image within your organization. The license back then was very restrictive... requiring each organization to list the licensed users by name.
I've built hundreds and hundreds of embedded OS images with the old XP and 2009 Target Designer... I believe the licensing is less restrictive these days... but I don't work in this area anymore so don't keep up with it.
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
divya03 wrote:
Now I've installed MS-office and Access database Engine 2010 drive also. Is it newer than the version offered here?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
There was no MS access software installed in that PC, so gave a try with the available software.
I use ODBC to access databases in my C/C++ coding and in my PowerBASIC coding. Whenever I'm having difficulties with anything, I call SQLGetDiagRec(), which returns error info. I can provide for you a bit of code to try it out. Let me know.
divya03 wrote: Ya I searched. everywhere they are suggesting to install the driver using installation CD which currently I'm not able to as I do not have a CD..
If you are actually using a legitimate licenced version of Embedded Standard then someone inside your organization builds the OS using the "Target Designer". You are given all the tools necessary to build and customize the embedded operating system.
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Step-by-Step Deployment[^]
Btw, the fact that you are asking this question strongly implies that you may be using a pirated or unlicensed version of Embedded Standard Windows 2009.
All of the database packages are selectable in the "Target Designer".
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
I need to create a 'input' parameter in method of my web service.
I am writing a VC++ program where I am calling my vb web service method, using http request(SOAP packet). While calling this web method, return SOAP packet tells me only 'out' parameter(being generated by web method). I digged on google, came to know that this 'input' parameter may be added by json, XML scripts...
There might be some java expert here, who can answer my question...
This is not a question for Java experts, you are talking about javascript which is completely different. You also need to provide better details of what your code is doing, and where the error occurs.
I explain you whole condition of code...
<s:element name="ConvertTemperature"> <s:complextype> <s:sequence> <s:element minoccurs="1" maxoccurs="1" name="dFahrenheit" type="s:double"> <s:element name="ConvertTemperatureResponse"> <s:complextype> <s:sequence> <s:element minoccurs="1" maxoccurs="1" name="ConvertTemperatureResult" type="s:double"> ... – pankaj 16 hours ago
I want to add an input parameter('zipcode' from VC++/'InParam' in vb web method) in web method...though I am trying to send that parameter, in my call of C++ SOAP packet..but this is being taken as 'Nothing'(InParam) by web method..
Though I made a sample json file as microsoft says...social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/… how to fix that in my vc++ code, after sending 'POST' request of my http packet
in WSDL..Web Service.vb..
Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Services Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols <webservice(namespace:="tempuri.org ")="">; _ <webservicebinding(conformsto:=wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1)> _ <global.microsoft.visualbasic.compilerservices.designergenerated()> _ Public Class WebService Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService <webmethod()> _ Public Function ConvertTemperature(ByVal InParam As String) As String Dim Temp As Integer Temp = CInt(InParam) + 20 Return CStr(Temp) End Function End Class – pankaj 15 hours ago
float CallWebService(LPCTSTR szZipCode) {
VARIANT vRequest; vRequest.vt = VT_BSTR; vRequest.bstrVal = szRequest.AllocSysString();
hr = spXMLHTTP->setRequestHeader(_bstr_t(_T("Content-Type")), _bstr_t(_T("text/xml"))); CHECK_HR(hr);
>send(_bstr_t(szSOAPReq)); CHECK_HR(hr); if(200 == spXMLHTTP->status)
_bstr_t bstrResponse = spXMLHTTP->responseText; MessageBox(0, bstrResponse, "TEST", 0); AfxMessageBox(bstrResponse); }
from web method..vb.. <webmethod()> _ Public Function ConvertTemperature(ByVal InParam As String) As String Dim Temp As Integer Temp = CInt(InParam) + 20 Return CStr(Temp) End Function....this parameter "InParam " is showing "Nothing" at run time..any help would be highly appreciated..
How to run json script from c++ or how to create a xml script to make provsion for 'input' parameter?
Can any java,C++ expert solve prolem of my code
Sorry, but I cannot understand any of that. And like I already told you, this has nothing to do with Java.
Dear Richard,
Please give a look to my problem. as mentioned above.