Ok, what you want is window.location.href
window.location.href = '@Url.Action("Index", "MultiJobChange")';
If its not a partial View, but View itself, can I use it as well
public class MultiJobChangeController : Controller
// GET: MultiJobChange
public ActionResult Index()
return PartialView("~/Views/MultiJobChange/Index.cshtml");
Instead of
public class MultiJobChangeController : Controller
// GET: MultiJobChange
public ActionResult Index()
return PartialView("~/Views/MultiJobChange/_Index.cshtml");
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
Hi all,
I am getting the following error when I run my Web Application, the error started coming after I got new laptop from my Organization and I moved the code from the Old machine to new machine. I tried to check in the Log file that it mentions but there is no log files created. Any help could be very helpful, thanks in advance.
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Detailed Error Information:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification: Unknown
Handler: Not yet determined
Error Code: 0x80070003
Config Error: Cannot read configuration file
Config File: \\?\C:\Users\aaleem01\Desktop\Angular2Apps\BSCSecurityAddressBookWeb\BSCSecurityAddressBookWeb\web.config
Requested URL: http://localhost:55429/BSCSecurityAddressBookWeb/Employee
Physical Path:
Logon Method: Not yet determined
Logon User: Not yet determined
Request Tracing Directory C:\Users\aaleem01\Documents\IISExpress\TraceLogFiles\
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
"Config Error: Cannot read configuration file
Config File: \\?\C:\Users\aaleem01\Desktop\Angular2Apps\BSCSecurityAddressBookWeb\BSCSecurityAddressBookWeb\web.config"
Isn't that quite explicit? Does that file exist? Can it be read by your site? If you have copied those files from another machine there could be security issues on the files.
The file doesn't exist there, because of the Project moved from different location, then there is another problem, how can I change this, I am using default IIS Express, I didn't create an Explicit Virtual Directory in the IIS but clicked on the Create Virtual Directory, it says directory is created successfully. But I am not understanding why is it still looking for the Web config in the older folder.
Any help would be lot graceful thanks in advance.
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
Most likely, your application pool is running as a user which doesn't have read permissions to the folder. That's quite common with paths stored within your user profile.
You need to change the NTFS permissions on the folder to grant read access to the IIS_WPG group.
File and Folder Permissions[^]
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I have a form called "get started" that's on about 10 pages wrapped in form tags on views.
Instead of writing 10 post action results that are the same, I'd like to consolidate them into 1 called "getStarted".
I remember seeing or stumbling upon a how to months ago, but now I can't find it using search.
What I've tried:
So I'm experimenting here, tried the ActionResult but needed a view page for it to work. I haven't made a view yet.
Tried a controller action that is void, but it says page not found after posting. The post actually works and sends the emails and so forth. but I can't do a redirect because I have to action result as a return value.
Any other ideas out there?
If it ain't broke don't fix it
jkirkerx wrote: I can't do a redirect because I have to action result as a return value
The RedirectResult class[^] is an ActionResult which redirects the response to another URL.
The Controller base class defines several helper methods you can use to redirect the response:
For example:
public ActionResult GetStarted(YourViewModel data)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I ended up creating a view file for the action that is quite elegant looking, and let's the user know that the form was submitted successfully.
In hindsight, it I would of got it working, then I had to deal the form again, or double clicks perhaps, multiple form submissions.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I'm looking some examples of forcing HTTPS or force HTTP in attribute form for use in the controller.
I found The Westwind guy "Rick" example and gave it a shot and it works. But once it turns HTTPS on, it always on. I didn't see the point of it.
WestwindToolkit/RequireSslAttribute.cs at master · RickStrahl/WestwindToolkit · GitHub
I added the debug part, which works fine, and I'm testing in production mode.
I'm not interested in securing the entire program in HTTPS or SSL, but just parts of it.
My question is where or how would be a good way to go back to HTTP in the code example above?
public RequireSslAttribute(string appSettingsKey)
string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[appSettingsKey] as string;
bool debugEnabled = HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled;
RequireSsl = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
key = key.ToLower();
if (key == "true" || key == "1")
if (debugEnabled == false)
RequireSsl = true;
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I'm not sure why you'd only want part of your site to be served over HTTPS. If you already have a certificate set up, why not serve the whole thing over HTTPS, and be more secure by default?
The reason we don’t have a [RequireHttp] attribute in MVC is that there’s not really much benefit to it. It’s not as interesting as [RequireHttps] , and it encourages users to do the wrong thing. For example, many web sites log in via SSL and redirect back to HTTP after you’re logged in, which is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Your login cookie is just as secret as your username + password, and now you’re sending it in cleartext across the wire. Besides, you’ve already taken the time to perform the handshake and secure the channel (which is the bulk of what makes HTTPS slower than HTTP) before the MVC pipeline is run, so [RequireHttp] won’t make the current request or future requests much faster.
If you really feel like making parts of your site less secure, you'll need to write your own filter attribute. It's not difficult - you just need to modify the RequireHttpsAttribute[^] to redirect to HTTP instead of HTTPS.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class RequireHttpAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
public virtual void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filterContext));
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection)
protected virtual void HandleHttpsRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!String.Equals(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
string url = "http://" + filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host + filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(url);
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I wanted unsecure pages for things like customer reviews and picture portfolios.
My web servers have Xeon CPU's with AES instructions, so SSL it not so CPU intensive like my last web servers,
I just wanted to ease the load on the CPU so it can focus on image files.
I'll take a look at your example right now.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Well that took me awhile to understand and figure out. Guess I should of asked how to use it.
Anyways thanks Richard!
If it ain't broke don't fix it
What is the best practice in .NET with Web API? Especially Web REST API. Should a REST API return exception in response body when an exception happens?
For sure I will return a 500 or similar HTTP status. But when I response with this error code what are the best practice? Or even better what is the specification or REST API about this?
- return the exception (what I do)
- return en empty response body?
- return an empty of default JSON object?
- something else?
FYI I'm working on a Web pragmatic REST API in C# .NET that is consumed by a Ruby on Rails team and I'm not sure Ruby code can handle these exception message easily.
WEB API should return status code in the header and any content in the body.
For example, if the request is successful then set the status code to 200 in the header and send the result in the body.
If the request is failed , then set the corresponding status code in the header ( for example 500 etc...) and send additional information in the body.
Please I am working with MVC C#. I have a html table that is being populated from a database Table and its working fine, but my question is i want to save that same table to another database table. Please can anyone help me as its urgent. Thanks
Please do not post duplicate contents.
Also, do you need to save save html markup here to database? or contents you generated inside html table.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
You are not clearly explaining yourself. What is your issue?
I don't know if I am in the right place to ask a question in reference to using a variable inside a view. I want the variable to go inside the @Html.EditorFor(model => variable). Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I think I have solved my problem. My application is used to store internet sites user/password information. The data is stored in data/value pairs. The value is encrypted with my own code. I needed to run the value item through the encryption code so it could be stored in the database. I created another object with data from the database, and compared the two value objects to see if it should be saved. If so the value item was run through the encrypt code. Then the second object was unattached and the edited object saved. Thanks for the help.
modified 19-Jun-17 14:48pm.
You can have that variable as part of your your view model so you can use it on view. Assuming you have requirement to use it as html helper only per your code you showing in description.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
I think I have solved my problem. My application is used to store internet sites user/password information. The data is stored in data/value pairs. The value is encrypted with my own code. I needed to run the value item through the encryption code so it could be stored in the database. I created another object with data from the database, and compared the two value objects to see if it should be saved. If so the value item was run through the encrypt code. Then the second object was unattached and the edited object saved. Thanks for the help.
What do you want to do with the variable ? It can be part of the model. Post a sample code for what you are trying to do.
I think I have solved my problem. My application is used to store internet sites user/password information. The data is stored in data/value pairs. The value is encrypted with my own code. I needed to run the value item through the encryption code so it could be stored in the database. I created another object with data from the database, and compared the two value objects to see if it should be saved. If so the value item was run through the encrypt code. Then the second object was unattached and the edited object saved. Thanks for the help.
I am VERY new to Asp.Net, so bear with my ignorance.
I added an Export button to a page:
<input type="button" value="Export" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("Export", "Home")'" />
In the controller I added
public ActionResult Export()
var data = _dal.GetDashboardInfos(new DashboardInfoQueryArgs());
var d = data.ToList().ToCsv();
var path = Path.GetTempPath();
var fileData = string.Format("{0}ardexport.csv", path);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileData, false))
return View("Index", "Home");
The CSV open fine, then I get a page load error:
The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
After the export I would really like to NOT reload (no reason to), or, at the very least just reload the default page.
What I doing wrong here?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
Kevin Marois wrote: Process.Start(fileData);
That's not doing what you think it's doing.
The code is writing to a file on the server, and then attempting to open the file on the server. It appears to work when you run it from Visual Studio, but that's just because the server and the client happen to be the same computer in that instance.
As soon as you deploy your code to a real server, you'll either get an exception indicating that there's no application associated with the file type; or the file will open on the server, where nobody will ever see it.
If you want to send the data back to the client, you'll need to send it via a FileResult :
public ActionResult Export()
var data = _dal.GetDashboardInfos(new DashboardInfoQueryArgs());
string content = data.ToList().ToCsv();
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
var result = new FileContentResult(bytes, "text/plain");
result.FileDownloadName = "ardexport.csv";
return result;
Unfortunately, this means you can't return a file and redirect. This is a limitation of how the web works - a single request can only generate a single response.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer