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GeneralRe: SQL for dynamic mappings Pin
CHill6022-May-17 4:39
mveCHill6022-May-17 4:39 
GeneralRe: SQL for dynamic mappings Pin
Danpeking22-May-17 5:46
Danpeking22-May-17 5:46 
AnswerRe: SQL for dynamic mappings Pin
Danpeking24-May-17 23:28
Danpeking24-May-17 23:28 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
18-May-17 20:29
Member 1321003518-May-17 20:29 
GeneralRe: oracle fusion procurement Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-May-17 21:49
mveRichard MacCutchan18-May-17 21:49 
GeneralRe: oracle fusion procurement Pin
CHill6018-May-17 22:24
mveCHill6018-May-17 22:24 
GeneralRe: oracle fusion procurement Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-May-17 22:35
mveRichard MacCutchan18-May-17 22:35 
QuestionRun sql query inside a stored procedure Pin
Member 1320472716-May-17 9:29
Member 1320472716-May-17 9:29 
Please help me in running below sql query by creating and calling a stored procedure.


$incidentQuery = "SELECT * FROM pki_incidents pi
LEFT JOIN pki_tickets pt ON pt.ticket_no = pi.hosp_ticket
WHERE pt.ticket_no = '" . $_REQUEST['hosp_ticket'] . "'";
QuestionRe: Run sql query inside a stored procedure Pin
ZurdoDev16-May-17 10:13
professionalZurdoDev16-May-17 10:13 
AnswerRe: Run sql query inside a stored procedure Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter16-May-17 21:21
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter16-May-17 21:21 
SuggestionRe: Run sql query inside a stored procedure Pin
Richard Deeming17-May-17 1:25
mveRichard Deeming17-May-17 1:25 
QuestionGet sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Mostafazs14-May-17 20:35
Mostafazs14-May-17 20:35 
AnswerRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Maciej Los14-May-17 21:18
mveMaciej Los14-May-17 21:18 
GeneralRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Mostafazs15-May-17 17:40
Mostafazs15-May-17 17:40 
AnswerRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Maciej Los15-May-17 20:03
mveMaciej Los15-May-17 20:03 
GeneralRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Mostafazs16-May-17 20:04
Mostafazs16-May-17 20:04 
AnswerRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
anarayane15-May-17 18:30
professionalanarayane15-May-17 18:30 
GeneralRe: Get sum of column base on equality of values of one row From previous generate request( using SELECT and EXTRACT) Pin
Mostafazs20-May-17 20:46
Mostafazs20-May-17 20:46 
QuestionAccess SSRS reports from outside network Pin
bunty_bpr11-May-17 5:08
bunty_bpr11-May-17 5:08 
AnswerRe: Access SSRS reports from outside network Pin
Simon_Whale11-May-17 5:19
Simon_Whale11-May-17 5:19 
AnswerRe: Access SSRS reports from outside network Pin
Member 1491271312-Aug-20 1:40
Member 1491271312-Aug-20 1:40 
QuestionHow to read & write data in queue in sql server Pin
Tridip Bhattacharjee3-May-17 22:51
professionalTridip Bhattacharjee3-May-17 22:51 
AnswerRe: How to read & write data in queue in sql server Pin
Victor Nijegorodov4-May-17 0:47
Victor Nijegorodov4-May-17 0:47 
GeneralRe: How to read & write data in queue in sql server Pin
CHill604-May-17 2:42
mveCHill604-May-17 2:42 
QuestionProblem with installing oracle database Pin
VISWESWARAN19982-May-17 0:13
professionalVISWESWARAN19982-May-17 0:13 

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