What biometric device will you be using, and how will the user be able to access it?
HI Everyone! So this is my first post here and I'd like some help from you.
So this method should return all priority Notes but they should be sorted by their priority like the notes with priority 1 comes first and after that priority 2 and so like this. This in an ArrayList
and I've stopped here because I can't figure out how to do ..
Could you please help me with this sortation?
Thanks in advance
<pre>public PriorityNotes[] getPriorityNotes(){
PriorityNotes[] PriorityNotes = new PriorityNotes[notes.size()];
PriorityNotes = notes.toArray(PriorityNotes);
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < notes.size(); i++){
return PriorityNotes;}
Where is the ArrayList? All I can see in your declaration is a simple array. You should create a proper ArrayList and then use Collections.sort[^] to sort it in order.
My ArrayList is above all methods ... I've created it
here I just posted this method because I thought you'll understand that I created it
So could you explain how to use the
and where to put this? inside the for loop
Costea Cornea wrote: So could you explain how to use the
Collections.sort[^] ?
and where to put this? inside the for loop What Richard meant was, that you should only call the sort function on the ArrayList object of yours. Also, you have not shown the structure of your PriorityNote object, does it contain a priority field in itself, or do you assign a value on runtime? If that is a built in field there, then just call the sort function, and to even control how an object is sorted, read java - Sort ArrayList of custom Objects by property - Stack Overflow
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
Follow the link I gave you, it explains it there. You do not need a loop since this method sorts the list in place.
I don't have a field called private Priority_Notes , it shouldn't be it's the task from the class diagram
Ok here I'll give you my fields to see which I have
private int numberOfNotes;
private ArrayList<Note>notes;
and that's all fields which I have
how to make a chat application in java on wan?
I have created a java application(exe).
Now when I try to execute the application from a directory whose name is in unicode(Japanese),it crashes.
I could not figure out the problem ,its showing packager.dll issue.
Please help..
Since we have no idea where the crash occurs, or what code it is trying to execute, it is impossible to guess.
Application developed by javafx while build the application it will create this three file with the application exe
then double click the .exe application crash shows the error like
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: SimulatorEndUser.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 55761984
Fault Module Name: packager.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 55761993
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000129a0
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Benjamin Bruno wrote: Exception Code: c0000005 means you are trying to access an address that is not in your address space. You will need to use the debugger to find the actual code that causes the error.
we are working on visa give me a suggetion , and sample code to call the POSLink class?
thanks you for your post is very helpful . I wonder if you could send me your java code for implementing this algorithm. My email address is lamis.guessoum@yahoo.fr Thanks a lot!
Who are you addressing this to?
Anyone that is silly enough to reply.
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994. So does this signature. me, 2012
I see two equally meaningless posts about "a priori" and "bayes". It seems that an assignment in the statistics / applied maths course has just been given and what does everybody do? Look through their course notes, refer to a text book or do some searching on Google, nope... ask Code Project!
Seems to be a growing standard for "how can I get my homework done".
sir, please can any one tell me how "Naive Bayes Algorithm" implemented in java or web application project.
and how it work?
Google will find you the details.
I have a really hard professor in my Data structures class. I wrote the program to construct the tree from postfix to infix expression. But the problem is I also need to produce an output file to show registers.
Example of the infix expression:
Example of the output file:
Add R0 5 9
Sub R1 3 R0
Mul R2 2 3
Div R3 R1 R2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.