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GeneralName parser Pin
ecurren24-Jun-03 23:27
ecurren24-Jun-03 23:27 
GeneralRe: Name parser Pin
monrobot1325-Jun-03 3:00
monrobot1325-Jun-03 3:00 
GeneralRe: Name parser Pin
dynamic25-Jun-03 3:32
dynamic25-Jun-03 3:32 
GeneralRe: Name parser Pin
leppie25-Jun-03 14:16
leppie25-Jun-03 14:16 
GeneralMemoryStream and RichTextBox Pin
haezeban24-Jun-03 23:11
haezeban24-Jun-03 23:11 
GeneralCursor coordinates in TextBox Pin
brian419024-Jun-03 22:08
brian419024-Jun-03 22:08 
GeneralRe: Cursor coordinates in TextBox Pin
brian419025-Jun-03 5:04
brian419025-Jun-03 5:04 
GeneralRe: Cursor coordinates in TextBox Pin
brian419025-Jun-03 5:29
brian419025-Jun-03 5:29 
Very well, i've found it.

Thanks a lot.
GeneralEdit html document with mshtml Pin
benzite24-Jun-03 17:11
benzite24-Jun-03 17:11 
GeneralRe: Edit html document with mshtml Pin
J. Dunlap24-Jun-03 17:20
J. Dunlap24-Jun-03 17:20 
GeneralRe: Edit html document with mshtml Pin
benzite24-Jun-03 19:51
benzite24-Jun-03 19:51 
QuestionHow can I create a component in run-time and show it like as design mode? Pin
silver_ben24-Jun-03 16:06
silver_ben24-Jun-03 16:06 
AnswerRe: How can I create a component in run-time and show it like as design mode? Pin
John Fisher25-Jun-03 7:37
John Fisher25-Jun-03 7:37 
GeneralRe: How can I create a component in run-time and show it like as design mode? Pin
silver_ben30-Jun-03 19:38
silver_ben30-Jun-03 19:38 
GeneralInsanely simple interop question. Pin
Bog24-Jun-03 14:06
Bog24-Jun-03 14:06 
GeneralRe: Insanely simple interop question. Pin
Ranjan Banerji25-Jun-03 3:22
Ranjan Banerji25-Jun-03 3:22 
GeneralRe: Insanely simple interop question. Pin
Bog25-Jun-03 9:23
Bog25-Jun-03 9:23 
GeneralOverride OnPaint in TextBox control Pin
paulb24-Jun-03 13:31
paulb24-Jun-03 13:31 
GeneralRe: Override OnPaint in TextBox control Pin
jspano26-Jun-03 14:51
jspano26-Jun-03 14:51 
GeneralArrow keys in user controls Pin
duncanmeech24-Jun-03 12:35
duncanmeech24-Jun-03 12:35 
GeneralTesting for control+enter in a textbox Pin
monrobot1324-Jun-03 12:00
monrobot1324-Jun-03 12:00 
GeneralRe: Testing for control+enter in a textbox Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 12:42
leppie24-Jun-03 12:42 
GeneralRe: Testing for control+enter in a textbox Pin
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:26
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:26 
GeneralCSharp conversion Pin
Member 88602324-Jun-03 10:49
Member 88602324-Jun-03 10:49 
GeneralRe: CSharp conversion Pin
Michael Mac24-Jun-03 12:26
Michael Mac24-Jun-03 12:26 

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