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GeneralRe: Override OnPaint in TextBox control Pin
jspano26-Jun-03 14:51
jspano26-Jun-03 14:51 
GeneralArrow keys in user controls Pin
duncanmeech24-Jun-03 12:35
duncanmeech24-Jun-03 12:35 
GeneralTesting for control+enter in a textbox Pin
monrobot1324-Jun-03 12:00
monrobot1324-Jun-03 12:00 
GeneralRe: Testing for control+enter in a textbox Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 12:42
leppie24-Jun-03 12:42 
GeneralRe: Testing for control+enter in a textbox Pin
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:26
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:26 
GeneralCSharp conversion Pin
Member 88602324-Jun-03 10:49
Member 88602324-Jun-03 10:49 
GeneralRe: CSharp conversion Pin
Michael Mac24-Jun-03 12:26
Michael Mac24-Jun-03 12:26 
GeneralRe: CSharp conversion Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 12:30
leppie24-Jun-03 12:30 
Look at the BitCOnverter class rather

<a TITLE="See my user info" href=>leppie<a>::<a TITLE="Go to all articles  written by me" href=>AllocCPArticle</a>(<a TITLE="Go to my latest, greatest article!" href= >Generic DFA State Machine for .NET</a>);

GeneralCommon Icons for Buttons and Toolbars Pin
Khang Nguyen24-Jun-03 10:40
Khang Nguyen24-Jun-03 10:40 
GeneralRe: Common Icons for Buttons and Toolbars Pin
John R. Shaw24-Jun-03 12:08
John R. Shaw24-Jun-03 12:08 
GeneralRe: Common Icons for Buttons and Toolbars Pin
Khang Nguyen24-Jun-03 12:41
Khang Nguyen24-Jun-03 12:41 
GeneralC# &amp; Winforms equivilent to AfxMessageBox Pin
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 10:35
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 10:35 
GeneralRe: C# &amp; Winforms equivilent to AfxMessageBox Pin
monrobot1324-Jun-03 11:01
monrobot1324-Jun-03 11:01 
GeneralRe: C# &amp; Winforms equivilent to AfxMessageBox Pin
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 11:32
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 11:32 
GeneralRe: C# &amp; Winforms equivilent to AfxMessageBox Pin
Kant24-Jun-03 11:10
Kant24-Jun-03 11:10 
GeneralRe: C# &amp; Winforms equivilent to AfxMessageBox Pin
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 11:33
Matt Newman24-Jun-03 11:33 
GeneralGetting the size of the main application Pin
monrobot1324-Jun-03 10:04
monrobot1324-Jun-03 10:04 
GeneralRe: Getting the size of the main application Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 10:25
leppie24-Jun-03 10:25 
GeneralRe: Getting the size of the main application Pin
monrobot1324-Jun-03 11:08
monrobot1324-Jun-03 11:08 
GeneralRe: Getting the size of the main application Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 12:09
leppie24-Jun-03 12:09 
GeneralRe: Getting the size of the main application Pin
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:24
monrobot1325-Jun-03 11:24 
GeneralBug in System.Drawing.Rectangle Pin
Arun Bhalla24-Jun-03 9:52
Arun Bhalla24-Jun-03 9:52 
GeneralRe: Bug in System.Drawing.Rectangle Pin
leppie24-Jun-03 10:21
leppie24-Jun-03 10:21 
GeneralRe: Bug in System.Drawing.Rectangle Pin
Arun Bhalla24-Jun-03 12:16
Arun Bhalla24-Jun-03 12:16 
GeneralRe: Bug in System.Drawing.Rectangle Pin
John R. Shaw24-Jun-03 12:25
John R. Shaw24-Jun-03 12:25 

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