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GeneralRe: x86 and x64 in one project Pin
po_saa21-Jul-16 23:19
po_saa21-Jul-16 23:19 
GeneralRe: x86 and x64 in one project Pin
OriginalGriff21-Jul-16 23:36
mveOriginalGriff21-Jul-16 23:36 
GeneralRe: x86 and x64 in one project Pin
po_saa22-Jul-16 0:12
po_saa22-Jul-16 0:12 
GeneralRe: x86 and x64 in one project Pin
Rob Philpott21-Jul-16 23:48
Rob Philpott21-Jul-16 23:48 
GeneralRe: x86 and x64 in one project Pin
po_saa22-Jul-16 0:19
po_saa22-Jul-16 0:19 
QuestionInheritance Pin
sunsher20-Jul-16 15:11
sunsher20-Jul-16 15:11 
GeneralRe: Inheritance Pin
PIEBALDconsult20-Jul-16 16:47
mvePIEBALDconsult20-Jul-16 16:47 
AnswerRe: Inheritance Pin
BillWoodruff20-Jul-16 18:03
professionalBillWoodruff20-Jul-16 18:03 
The least you can do is show the code you are working with, and make some effort. Look up the words 'new and 'override in the context of .NET inheritance, think about them, try using them, then, come back here with specific questions and code.
«There is a spectrum, from "clearly desirable behaviour," to "possibly dodgy behavior that still makes some sense," to "clearly undesirable behavior." We try to make the latter into warnings or, better, errors. But stuff that is in the middle category you don’t want to restrict unless there is a clear way to work around it.» Eric Lippert, May 14, 2008

AnswerRe: Inheritance Pin
Rob Philpott20-Jul-16 20:01
Rob Philpott20-Jul-16 20:01 
AnswerRe: Inheritance Pin
OriginalGriff20-Jul-16 20:20
mveOriginalGriff20-Jul-16 20:20 
GeneralRe: Inheritance Pin
sunsher27-Jul-16 12:48
sunsher27-Jul-16 12:48 
GeneralRe: Inheritance Pin
OriginalGriff27-Jul-16 19:20
mveOriginalGriff27-Jul-16 19:20 
Questionhow i can use Kinect to record skeleton tracking Pin
Member 1252528120-Jul-16 4:12
Member 1252528120-Jul-16 4:12 
AnswerRe: how i can use Kinect to record skeleton tracking Pin
Dave Kreskowiak20-Jul-16 8:14
mveDave Kreskowiak20-Jul-16 8:14 
QuestionInconsistent synchronization Pin
Bernhard Hiller19-Jul-16 22:29
Bernhard Hiller19-Jul-16 22:29 
AnswerRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097919-Jul-16 23:31
User 1106097919-Jul-16 23:31 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
Bernhard Hiller19-Jul-16 23:59
Bernhard Hiller19-Jul-16 23:59 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097920-Jul-16 0:02
User 1106097920-Jul-16 0:02 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
Bernhard Hiller20-Jul-16 0:18
Bernhard Hiller20-Jul-16 0:18 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097920-Jul-16 0:25
User 1106097920-Jul-16 0:25 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097920-Jul-16 9:22
User 1106097920-Jul-16 9:22 
AnswerRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Jul-16 0:38
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Jul-16 0:38 
QuestionRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097926-Jul-16 19:59
User 1106097926-Jul-16 19:59 
AnswerRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
Bernhard Hiller26-Jul-16 21:32
Bernhard Hiller26-Jul-16 21:32 
GeneralRe: Inconsistent synchronization Pin
User 1106097926-Jul-16 21:42
User 1106097926-Jul-16 21:42 

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