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GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 7:16
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 7:16 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01
mvePete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:42
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:42 
Thank you for the level of detail in your posts. If I may, I will attempt to extrapolate some meaning. What I am think I am understanding is that, as one is writing code, the coder should use a minimalist approach first, only writing what is necessary. When the problem cannot be solved or the task completed and still have the code make sense when it's done, then that is when some of the more advanced (I use that term loosely here as pointers are nothing new) features of the C# language that could simplify what might otherwise have a bit of a learning curve. Is this at all similar to what you are implying?
if (Object.DividedByZero == true) { Universe.Implode(); }
Meus ratio ex fortis machina. Simplicitatis de formae ac munus. -Foothill, 2016

GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Richard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19
mveRichard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Ian A Davidson20-Apr-16 0:09
Ian A Davidson20-Apr-16 0:09 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 4:34
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 4:34 
QuestionWhile button is clicked Pin
tvks19-Apr-16 8:30
tvks19-Apr-16 8:30 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
clapclap19-Apr-16 8:32
clapclap19-Apr-16 8:32 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
koolprasad200319-Apr-16 18:26
professionalkoolprasad200319-Apr-16 18:26 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 1:25
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 1:25 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
koolprasad200320-Apr-16 1:33
professionalkoolprasad200320-Apr-16 1:33 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 2:14
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 2:14 
PraiseRe: While button is clicked Pin
tvks20-Apr-16 10:57
tvks20-Apr-16 10:57 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 11:01
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 11:01 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
tvks27-Apr-16 2:55
tvks27-Apr-16 2:55 
QuestionReflection and "security" Pin
Super Lloyd19-Apr-16 7:17
Super Lloyd19-Apr-16 7:17 
QuestionLinkButton isnt recognized properly Pin
Collectoons19-Apr-16 4:19
Collectoons19-Apr-16 4:19 
SuggestionRe: LinkButton isnt recognized properly Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Apr-16 5:09
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Apr-16 5:09 
GeneralRe: LinkButton isnt recognized properly Pin
Collectoons19-Apr-16 5:16
Collectoons19-Apr-16 5:16 
GeneralRe: LinkButton isnt recognized properly Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Apr-16 5:26
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Apr-16 5:26 

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