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GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Mycroft Holmes19-Apr-16 21:54
professionalMycroft Holmes19-Apr-16 21:54 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 5:03
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 5:03 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Sander Rossel20-Apr-16 5:59
professionalSander Rossel20-Apr-16 5:59 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Gerry Schmitz19-Apr-16 12:36
mveGerry Schmitz19-Apr-16 12:36 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Bernhard Hiller19-Apr-16 21:25
Bernhard Hiller19-Apr-16 21:25 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:16
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:16 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
V.19-Apr-16 22:04
professionalV.19-Apr-16 22:04 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:13
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:13 
I've also created a similar class class ,FunctionResult<t>, that used generics to populate the result with an accompanying status enum and an optional exception field. I understand the point that Sander eluded to previously that a Result class add an extra layer of complexity that might cause confusion to other developers if they are not familiar with it or if it is not a standard code practice in your organization.
if (Object.DividedByZero == true) { Universe.Implode(); }
Meus ratio ex fortis machina. Simplicitatis de formae ac munus. -Foothill, 2016

AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff19-Apr-16 23:00
mveOriginalGriff19-Apr-16 23:00 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:23
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:23 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 3:50
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 3:50 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 4:15
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 4:15 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 4:30
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 4:30 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 5:00
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 5:00 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 5:12
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 5:12 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 5:41
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 5:41 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 7:16
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 7:16 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01
mvePete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:42
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:42 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Richard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19
mveRichard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19 

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