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GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 4:30
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 4:30 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 5:00
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 5:00 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 5:12
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 5:12 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 5:41
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 5:41 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
OriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22
mveOriginalGriff20-Apr-16 6:22 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 7:16
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 7:16 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01
mvePete O'Hanlon19-Apr-16 23:01 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 1:51 
Pete O'Hanlon wrote:
While this may seem to be a reasonable solution, on the surface, there are several issues with this design. The biggest problem I have with it is that you are allocating a larger object than you need to. Even if we were to change this to a struct, it's still an unreasonably large surface area for a simple value.

I'm having some trouble grasping the rationale here, mostly due to the "unreasonably" part. I'm hard-pressed to quantify an extra bit value as unreasonable, especially since it's bundled with a possibly null value and enables an almost English-language null-check mechanism.

After all, the Tuple solution will result in the same memory reservation with the same ubiquitous value access (though I find variable.Item2 less useful than variable.Value).

The exception solution potentially breaks the "don't use exceptions for flow control" rule, which is one of those rules that actually makes objective sense.

I suppose you could use an event driven parser instead, but that introduces even more code overhead.

Now that I think about it, that might be worth working up to add to my library, thanks for the idea! Big Grin | :-D
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Benjamin Disraeli

GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:06 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Nathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17
professionalNathan Minier20-Apr-16 2:17 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Pete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36
mvePete O'Hanlon20-Apr-16 2:36 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 3:42
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 3:42 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Richard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19
mveRichard Deeming20-Apr-16 4:19 
AnswerRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Ian A Davidson20-Apr-16 0:09
Ian A Davidson20-Apr-16 0:09 
GeneralRe: 'out' keyword, to use or not to use Pin
Foothill20-Apr-16 4:34
professionalFoothill20-Apr-16 4:34 
QuestionWhile button is clicked Pin
tvks19-Apr-16 8:30
tvks19-Apr-16 8:30 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
clapclap19-Apr-16 8:32
clapclap19-Apr-16 8:32 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
koolprasad200319-Apr-16 18:26
professionalkoolprasad200319-Apr-16 18:26 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 1:25
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 1:25 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
koolprasad200320-Apr-16 1:33
professionalkoolprasad200320-Apr-16 1:33 
AnswerRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 2:14
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 2:14 
PraiseRe: While button is clicked Pin
tvks20-Apr-16 10:57
tvks20-Apr-16 10:57 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
CHill6020-Apr-16 11:01
mveCHill6020-Apr-16 11:01 
GeneralRe: While button is clicked Pin
tvks27-Apr-16 2:55
tvks27-Apr-16 2:55 
QuestionReflection and "security" Pin
Super Lloyd19-Apr-16 7:17
Super Lloyd19-Apr-16 7:17 

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