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AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
OriginalGriff22-Nov-15 21:56
mveOriginalGriff22-Nov-15 21:56 
AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
F-ES Sitecore22-Nov-15 22:25
professionalF-ES Sitecore22-Nov-15 22:25 
AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Nov-15 1:35
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Nov-15 1:35 
AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Amarnath S23-Nov-15 2:43
professionalAmarnath S23-Nov-15 2:43 
AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Rob Philpott23-Nov-15 4:48
Rob Philpott23-Nov-15 4:48 
GeneralRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Nov-15 13:11
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Nov-15 13:11 
GeneralRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
OriginalGriff23-Nov-15 22:23
mveOriginalGriff23-Nov-15 22:23 
GeneralRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Rob Philpott23-Nov-15 23:54
Rob Philpott23-Nov-15 23:54 
I don't think reading a book prior to an interview necessarily dictates that he has no knowledge of what he's doing - he didn't say that, it's a fair question. I've yet to have an interview I can't handle technically, but I still read stuff prior to going.

And even if the question is misguided, a whole group of people saying give up, get a career change etc. IMO is unhelpful as well as condescending.

Also, the book recommendation is valid to anyone reading the thread who might not be trying to wing an interview. These are excellent books.
Rob Philpott.

GeneralRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Pete O'Hanlon24-Nov-15 0:05
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Nov-15 0:05 
AnswerRe: can anyone suggest best books or links for C# interview Pin
Gerry Schmitz23-Nov-15 7:01
mveGerry Schmitz23-Nov-15 7:01 
QuestionHow to set TextBox to only accept numbers? Pin
naouf1021-Nov-15 7:34
naouf1021-Nov-15 7:34 
AnswerRe: How to set TextBox to only accept numbers? Pin
Gerry Schmitz21-Nov-15 11:38
mveGerry Schmitz21-Nov-15 11:38 
AnswerRe: How to set TextBox to only accept numbers? Pin
Gilbert Consellado21-Nov-15 16:25
professionalGilbert Consellado21-Nov-15 16:25 
AnswerRe: How to set TextBox to only accept numbers? Pin
BillWoodruff21-Nov-15 18:43
professionalBillWoodruff21-Nov-15 18:43 
QuestionHow to replace text in this situation? Pin
turbosupramk320-Nov-15 7:24
turbosupramk320-Nov-15 7:24 
AnswerRe: How to replace text in this situation? Pin
Gerry Schmitz20-Nov-15 8:07
mveGerry Schmitz20-Nov-15 8:07 
AnswerRe: How to replace text in this situation? Pin
Matt T Heffron20-Nov-15 8:47
professionalMatt T Heffron20-Nov-15 8:47 
QuestionGet row from AngleSharp.Dom.Html.HtmlSpanElement Pin
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:12
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:12 
AnswerRe: Get row from AngleSharp.Dom.Html.HtmlSpanElement Pin
Gerry Schmitz20-Nov-15 5:09
mveGerry Schmitz20-Nov-15 5:09 
QuestionGetting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
murali_utr19-Nov-15 22:15
murali_utr19-Nov-15 22:15 
AnswerRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
BillWoodruff19-Nov-15 22:49
professionalBillWoodruff19-Nov-15 22:49 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
murali_utr20-Nov-15 1:33
murali_utr20-Nov-15 1:33 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:46
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:46 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
murali_utr20-Nov-15 2:38
murali_utr20-Nov-15 2:38 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Nov-15 3:07
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Nov-15 3:07 

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