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AnswerRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
BillWoodruff19-Nov-15 22:49
professionalBillWoodruff19-Nov-15 22:49 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
murali_utr20-Nov-15 1:33
murali_utr20-Nov-15 1:33 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:46
Member 1215521920-Nov-15 1:46 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
murali_utr20-Nov-15 2:38
murali_utr20-Nov-15 2:38 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Nov-15 3:07
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Nov-15 3:07 
GeneralRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
OriginalGriff20-Nov-15 2:49
mveOriginalGriff20-Nov-15 2:49 
AnswerRe: Getting ASCII value for Characters? Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Nov-15 23:20
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Nov-15 23:20 
QuestionLeap Motion Integration problem Pin
Alpa2419-Nov-15 14:44
Alpa2419-Nov-15 14:44 

I am new to leap motion technology.I have follow Leap Motion Integration tutorial step by step.I have attach the script GrabMyCube to the cube and run the project.when play ,it immediately pause the game.I cant to able understand why it pause.
I am using unity 5.1.2f personal edition.Is it version problem ?

Please help.
Thank you.
AnswerRe: Leap Motion Integration problem Pin
OriginalGriff19-Nov-15 21:31
mveOriginalGriff19-Nov-15 21:31 
QuestionWriting HtmlHelper to Render all action methods Pin
roxcon18-Nov-15 17:53
roxcon18-Nov-15 17:53 
AnswerRe: Writing HtmlHelper to Render all action methods Pin
Dave Kreskowiak19-Nov-15 2:28
mveDave Kreskowiak19-Nov-15 2:28 
Questionsorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo17-Nov-15 12:48
professionalJohn Torjo17-Nov-15 12:48 
AnswerRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
Matt T Heffron17-Nov-15 13:38
professionalMatt T Heffron17-Nov-15 13:38 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo17-Nov-15 13:42
professionalJohn Torjo17-Nov-15 13:42 
QuestionRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
Matt T Heffron17-Nov-15 14:00
professionalMatt T Heffron17-Nov-15 14:00 
AnswerRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo17-Nov-15 14:03
professionalJohn Torjo17-Nov-15 14:03 
AnswerRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
BillWoodruff17-Nov-15 14:49
professionalBillWoodruff17-Nov-15 14:49 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo17-Nov-15 14:59
professionalJohn Torjo17-Nov-15 14:59 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
BillWoodruff18-Nov-15 0:05
professionalBillWoodruff18-Nov-15 0:05 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo18-Nov-15 0:07
professionalJohn Torjo18-Nov-15 0:07 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo18-Nov-15 10:58
professionalJohn Torjo18-Nov-15 10:58 
AnswerRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
Gerry Schmitz17-Nov-15 16:13
mveGerry Schmitz17-Nov-15 16:13 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo17-Nov-15 22:12
professionalJohn Torjo17-Nov-15 22:12 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
Gerry Schmitz18-Nov-15 0:17
mveGerry Schmitz18-Nov-15 0:17 
GeneralRe: sorting information from several threads - is my algorithm correct? Pin
John Torjo18-Nov-15 0:23
professionalJohn Torjo18-Nov-15 0:23 

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