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.NET (Core and Framework)

QuestionHow to change app.config file name? Pin
nguyentuancuong28-May-03 22:40
nguyentuancuong28-May-03 22:40 
AnswerRe: How to change app.config file name? Pin
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:28
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:28 
GeneralDeploying a WinForm application Pin
ralfoide28-May-03 14:08
ralfoide28-May-03 14:08 
GeneralRe: Deploying a WinForm application Pin
apferreira28-May-03 23:39
apferreira28-May-03 23:39 
GeneralRe: Deploying a WinForm application Pin
ralfoide29-May-03 18:00
ralfoide29-May-03 18:00 
GeneralMigrating VC++6 Dialog classes Pin
Phil C28-May-03 9:44
Phil C28-May-03 9:44 
GeneralRe: Migrating VC++6 Dialog classes Pin
ralfoide28-May-03 11:12
ralfoide28-May-03 11:12 
GeneralRe: Migrating VC++6 Dialog classes - nope Pin
Phil C28-May-03 14:50
Phil C28-May-03 14:50 
Actually, it kind of works and it kind of doesn't.

I've been playing all day and have got the dialog resource in, but it's different.
With VC6 you could open the other rc file, hit copy then paste directly into the resource tab in class wizard.

With the new VC.NET all I've been able to figure out so far is open both old and new rc file in the editor and do a copy/paste.

The bad part is I still haven't been able to figure out how to link the cpp and h files with that dialog resource. If you run their wizard and tell it to use the old cpp and h files it just tacks on a new class at the bottom of each file resulting in two sets of implementations and declarations. <sigh>

Obviously there has to be a way to do it, but it sure is kicking my behind Frown | :(

GeneralCPU use of process Pin
MadsJ27-May-03 21:02
MadsJ27-May-03 21:02 
GeneralRe: CPU use of process Pin
Jason McBurney3-Jun-03 8:29
Jason McBurney3-Jun-03 8:29 
GeneralEvent/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor27-May-03 14:45
Eric Astor27-May-03 14:45 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 14:55
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 14:55 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor27-May-03 15:34
Eric Astor27-May-03 15:34 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 15:42
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 15:42 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor28-May-03 0:36
Eric Astor28-May-03 0:36 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
leppie28-May-03 11:26
leppie28-May-03 11:26 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor29-May-03 10:36
Eric Astor29-May-03 10:36 
QuestionDelayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide27-May-03 14:02
ralfoide27-May-03 14:02 
AnswerRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore28-May-03 4:13
Rocky Moore28-May-03 4:13 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Ray Cassick28-May-03 4:45
Ray Cassick28-May-03 4:45 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide28-May-03 11:07
ralfoide28-May-03 11:07 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore29-May-03 4:26
Rocky Moore29-May-03 4:26 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide29-May-03 18:05
ralfoide29-May-03 18:05 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore30-May-03 3:49
Rocky Moore30-May-03 3:49 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Blake Coverett22-Jun-03 19:29
Blake Coverett22-Jun-03 19:29 

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