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.NET (Core and Framework)

GeneralRe: Migrating VC++6 Dialog classes - nope Pin
Phil C28-May-03 14:50
Phil C28-May-03 14:50 
GeneralCPU use of process Pin
MadsJ27-May-03 21:02
MadsJ27-May-03 21:02 
GeneralRe: CPU use of process Pin
Jason McBurney3-Jun-03 8:29
Jason McBurney3-Jun-03 8:29 
GeneralEvent/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor27-May-03 14:45
Eric Astor27-May-03 14:45 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 14:55
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 14:55 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor27-May-03 15:34
Eric Astor27-May-03 15:34 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 15:42
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 15:42 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor28-May-03 0:36
Eric Astor28-May-03 0:36 
Alright... What I'm working on involves the dynamic creation of a wrapper class (through use of the Emit namespace) around a provided class that I see only as its Type object representation. As part of building the wrapper class, I need to emit methods for each event of the original class such that each method fits the requirements to be used in the delegate type used for the targeted event. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way to pull out anything that I could use to dynamically discover the required method signature for the creation of a method that can be used in the initialization of a provided delegate. The primary thing available to me with respect to the event is the EventInfo object, but the only thing that that exposes as to the event handler required for it is the Type object representing the class that inherits the System.Delegate class. This is a Type object like any other, and I can't find any way to pull the method signature out of it that it wants for its instantiation.
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
leppie28-May-03 11:26
leppie28-May-03 11:26 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate Emit and Reflection Pin
Eric Astor29-May-03 10:36
Eric Astor29-May-03 10:36 
QuestionDelayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide27-May-03 14:02
ralfoide27-May-03 14:02 
AnswerRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore28-May-03 4:13
Rocky Moore28-May-03 4:13 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Ray Cassick28-May-03 4:45
Ray Cassick28-May-03 4:45 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide28-May-03 11:07
ralfoide28-May-03 11:07 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore29-May-03 4:26
Rocky Moore29-May-03 4:26 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
ralfoide29-May-03 18:05
ralfoide29-May-03 18:05 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Rocky Moore30-May-03 3:49
Rocky Moore30-May-03 3:49 
GeneralRe: Delayed initialization of a System.Window.Forms.Form? Pin
Blake Coverett22-Jun-03 19:29
Blake Coverett22-Jun-03 19:29 
GeneralAdding controls when using a splitter Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 13:41
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 13:41 
GeneralRe: Adding controls when using a splitter Pin
J. Dunlap27-May-03 13:43
J. Dunlap27-May-03 13:43 
GeneralRe: Adding controls when using a splitter Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 13:46
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 13:46 
GeneralRe: Adding controls when using a splitter Pin
James T. Johnson27-May-03 14:16
James T. Johnson27-May-03 14:16 
GeneralRe: Adding controls when using a splitter Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 14:28
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 14:28 
GeneralStupid .NET things, post #1 Pin
Marc Clifton27-May-03 11:47
mvaMarc Clifton27-May-03 11:47 
GeneralRe: Stupid .NET things, post #1 Pin
Ray Cassick27-May-03 11:49
Ray Cassick27-May-03 11:49 

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