Hi All,
I have a stored procedure as below and I am calling that stored procedure by using ExecuteQuery in asp.net application, I am calling passing the out parameter value but still it is throwing exception. I am not understanding where am I missing, I am debugging and searching too, still can't find any answer.
Can anybody please help me in this any suggestion link or code snippet would be helpful, thanks in advance.
Here is Stored Procedure parameter structure I avoided putting all stored procedure logic here to increase readability, but if you want I can put it here
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[StaffSearch_sel]
@OverrideSecurity BIT = 0,
@UserId INT,
@SchoolYearId INT,
@Name VARCHAR(500) = NULL,
@ContractorId INT = NULL,
@SubcontractorId INT = NULL,
@SiteId INT = NULL,
@OrganizationRelationshipIds VARCHAR(500) = NULL,
@RoleTypeIds VARCHAR(200) = NULL,
@StaffMemberNeedsAllRoles BIT = 0,
@Page INT = 1,
@RowsPerPage INT = 20,
@TotalRows INT OUT,
@SortExpression VARCHAR(50) = 'LastName',
@SortDirection VARCHAR(15) = 'Ascending'
And my C# code here
public static List<StaffMemberPOCO> Search(bool staffMemberNeedsAllRoles, bool overrideSecurity, string name, int schoolYearId, int? contractorId, int? subcontractor, int? siteId,
int[] roleTypeIds, int[] organizationRelationshipIds, int userId, int pageNumber, int rowsPerPage, out int totalRows, string sortExpression, string sortDirection)
using (var context = new ELMSContext())
var outputParm = new SqlParameter("TotalRows", SqlDbType.Int) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };
List<StaffMemberPOCO> pocos =
context.ExecuteStoreQuery<StaffMemberPOCO>("exec StaffSearch_sel @OverrideSecurity, @UserId, @SchoolYearId, @Name, @ContractorId, @SubcontractorId, @SiteId, @OrganizationRelationshipIds, @RoleTypeIds, @StaffMemberNeedsAllRoles",
new SqlParameter("@OverrideSecurity", overrideSecurity),
new SqlParameter("@UserId", userId),
new SqlParameter("@SchoolYearId", schoolYearId),
new SqlParameter("@Name", name ?? (object)DBNull.Value),
new SqlParameter("@ContractorId", contractorId ?? (object)DBNull.Value),
new SqlParameter("@SubcontractorId", subcontractor ?? (object)DBNull.Value),
new SqlParameter("@SiteId", siteId ?? (object)DBNull.Value),
new SqlParameter("@OrganizationRelationshipIds", organizationRelationshipIds == null || organizationRelationshipIds.Count() == 0 ? (object)DBNull.Value : string.Join(",", organizationRelationshipIds)),
new SqlParameter("@RoleTypeIds", roleTypeIds == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : string.Join(",", roleTypeIds)),
new SqlParameter("@StaffMemberNeedsAllRoles", staffMemberNeedsAllRoles),
new SqlParameter("@Page", pageNumber),
new SqlParameter("@RowsPerPage", rowsPerPage),
new SqlParameter("@SortExpression", sortExpression ?? (object)DBNull.Value),
new SqlParameter("@SortDirection", sortDirection ?? (object)DBNull.Value)
totalRows = ((outputParm != null) && !DBNull.Value.Equals(outputParm)) ? int.Parse(outputParm.Value.ToString()) : 0;
return pocos;
And executestorequery is throwing the following exception
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function 'StaffSearch_sel' expects parameter '@TotalRows', which was not supplied.
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