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.NET (Core and Framework)

General.NET deployment Project probs Pin
16-May-03 11:05
suss16-May-03 11:05 
GeneralLogging On Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer16-May-03 7:41
Jamie Nordmeyer16-May-03 7:41 
GeneralRe: Logging On Pin
Daniel Turini16-May-03 11:21
Daniel Turini16-May-03 11:21 
QuestionHidden form? Pin
solidstore16-May-03 1:49
solidstore16-May-03 1:49 
GeneralLogging On Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:56
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:56 
GeneralRe: Logging On Pin
leppie17-May-03 2:30
leppie17-May-03 2:30 
GeneralOld C++ Code Pin
Ingo7914-May-03 23:29
Ingo7914-May-03 23:29 
GeneralRe: Old C++ Code Pin
leppie16-May-03 12:12
leppie16-May-03 12:12 
Its just a matter makking a few .NET wrapper methods in MC++, and then just call them from your C# code.


I compile the dot.exe from GraphViz in normal C/C++. To make it a .NET dll all I did was to wrap the main function in a static method in a managed class and compile to dll. The only CLR options you need to set is on the wrapper file.

<a TITLE="See my user info" href=>leppie<a>::<a TITLE="Go to all articles  written by me" href=>AllocCPArticle</a>(<a TITLE="Go to my latest, greatest article!" href= >Generic DFA State Machine for .NET</a>);

GeneralRe: Old C++ Code Pin
Ingo7918-May-03 6:26
Ingo7918-May-03 6:26 
GeneralInstalling a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:36
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:36 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:40
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:40 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Paul Watson14-May-03 4:02
sitebuilderPaul Watson14-May-03 4:02 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:52
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:52 
GeneralLoading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
fennnan12-May-03 23:32
fennnan12-May-03 23:32 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:43
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:43 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
fennnan5-Jun-03 21:14
fennnan5-Jun-03 21:14 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
Simon Gregory5-Jun-03 21:54
Simon Gregory5-Jun-03 21:54 
GeneralControl licensing Pin
J. Dunlap12-May-03 9:48
J. Dunlap12-May-03 9:48 
GeneralCSC.exe Pin
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 3:39
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 3:39 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.11-May-03 4:12
Stephane Rodriguez.11-May-03 4:12 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 4:34
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 4:34 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
leppie11-May-03 5:00
leppie11-May-03 5:00 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
IrvTheSwirv13-May-03 1:21
sussIrvTheSwirv13-May-03 1:21 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
Russell Morris18-May-03 5:50
Russell Morris18-May-03 5:50 
GeneralRe: CSC.exe Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar16-May-03 22:47
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar16-May-03 22:47 

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