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AnswerRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
CPallini16-Jan-15 5:28
mveCPallini16-Jan-15 5:28 
AnswerRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
jschell16-Jan-15 12:29
jschell16-Jan-15 12:29 
GeneralRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
Vaclav_17-Jan-15 3:33
Vaclav_17-Jan-15 3:33 
GeneralRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
Richard MacCutchan17-Jan-15 5:49
mveRichard MacCutchan17-Jan-15 5:49 
GeneralRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
jschell18-Jan-15 6:38
jschell18-Jan-15 6:38 
GeneralRe: YASAQ Yet another silly academic question - how does "code optimization" really works? Pin
Mike Nordell2-Feb-15 10:31
Mike Nordell2-Feb-15 10:31 
QuestionDetours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
jeff614-Jan-15 23:56
jeff614-Jan-15 23:56 
AnswerRe: Detours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer15-Jan-15 0:25
professionalDaniel Pfeffer15-Jan-15 0:25 
I haven't used Detours in a few years, but offhand I can think of a few problems with hooking Qt class methods.

The first problem is the ABI (Application Binary Interface) used by Qt. This differs from the ABI used by Windows APIs or by COM objects, and in fact can (and does) vary between compiler implementations.

The second problem is the C++ name mangling - there is no standard way of mangling names. You would have research the exported name (which might be something like QPushButton$event$QEventP$bool and might be something totally different), and do this for every function that you wish to intercept. Again, this depends on the compiler used to compile Qt.

Can you give us some idea of the problem you are trying to solve? Perhaps there is a better way to do this.
GeneralRe: Detours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
jeff615-Jan-15 0:46
jeff615-Jan-15 0:46 
GeneralRe: Detours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer15-Jan-15 2:17
professionalDaniel Pfeffer15-Jan-15 2:17 
GeneralRe: Detours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
jeff617-Jan-15 6:14
jeff617-Jan-15 6:14 
GeneralRe: Detours : how to hook QT applications ? Pin
Andy You15-May-22 2:41
Andy You15-May-22 2:41 
QuestionChange scrollbar style Pin
_Flaviu14-Jan-15 9:05
_Flaviu14-Jan-15 9:05 
AnswerRe: Change scrollbar style Pin
CPallini14-Jan-15 10:07
mveCPallini14-Jan-15 10:07 
GeneralRe: Change scrollbar style Pin
jeron114-Jan-15 10:24
jeron114-Jan-15 10:24 
GeneralRe: Change scrollbar style Pin
enhzflep14-Jan-15 14:10
enhzflep14-Jan-15 14:10 
GeneralRe: Change scrollbar style Pin
_Flaviu14-Jan-15 20:16
_Flaviu14-Jan-15 20:16 
QuestionBest way to get a program to send emails Pin
Anorexic Tribble11-Jan-15 11:44
Anorexic Tribble11-Jan-15 11:44 
AnswerRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
Richard Andrew x6411-Jan-15 12:09
professionalRichard Andrew x6411-Jan-15 12:09 
AnswerRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
CPallini11-Jan-15 21:48
mveCPallini11-Jan-15 21:48 
GeneralRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
Anorexic Tribble12-Jan-15 3:48
Anorexic Tribble12-Jan-15 3:48 
GeneralRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
enhzflep12-Jan-15 4:24
enhzflep12-Jan-15 4:24 
JokeRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
jeron112-Jan-15 4:55
jeron112-Jan-15 4:55 
GeneralRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
enhzflep12-Jan-15 4:59
enhzflep12-Jan-15 4:59 
GeneralRe: Best way to get a program to send emails Pin
David Crow12-Jan-15 5:12
David Crow12-Jan-15 5:12 

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