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QuestionAudit Tables for Many-Many Relationships Pin
Matt U.13-Jan-15 3:40
Matt U.13-Jan-15 3:40 
AnswerRe: Audit Tables for Many-Many Relationships Pin
Eddy Vluggen13-Jan-15 7:49
professionalEddy Vluggen13-Jan-15 7:49 
GeneralRe: Audit Tables for Many-Many Relationships Pin
Matt U.13-Jan-15 10:00
Matt U.13-Jan-15 10:00 
GeneralRe: Audit Tables for Many-Many Relationships Pin
Eddy Vluggen13-Jan-15 12:49
professionalEddy Vluggen13-Jan-15 12:49 
AnswerRe: Audit Tables for Many-Many Relationships Pin
Mycroft Holmes13-Jan-15 11:42
professionalMycroft Holmes13-Jan-15 11:42 
Questionhelp me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Nguyen Jay12-Jan-15 21:16
Nguyen Jay12-Jan-15 21:16 
QuestionRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
ZurdoDev13-Jan-15 5:33
professionalZurdoDev13-Jan-15 5:33 
AnswerRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 5:40
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 5:40 
I need to download and install the
database contacts.mdf, which is used in all samples, but can't find it on
the Web... neither in the manual.
Can anyone help?
AnswerRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
ZurdoDev13-Jan-15 5:44
professionalZurdoDev13-Jan-15 5:44 
GeneralRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 5:53
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 5:53 
AnswerRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
ZurdoDev13-Jan-15 6:00
professionalZurdoDev13-Jan-15 6:00 
GeneralRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 6:03
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 6:03 
GeneralRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
ZurdoDev13-Jan-15 6:06
professionalZurdoDev13-Jan-15 6:06 
GeneralRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Richard Deeming13-Jan-15 6:29
mveRichard Deeming13-Jan-15 6:29 
GeneralRe: help me ..plz share me database Contact.mdf microsoft Pin
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 7:17
Nguyen Jay13-Jan-15 7:17 
QuestionMySQL Database Tables Pin
sudevsu12-Jan-15 8:29
sudevsu12-Jan-15 8:29 
AnswerRe: MySQL Database Tables Pin
RUs12313-Jan-15 2:13
RUs12313-Jan-15 2:13 
GeneralRe: MySQL Database Tables Pin
sudevsu14-Jan-15 8:53
sudevsu14-Jan-15 8:53 
QuestionGrouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Ashokraja V7-Jan-15 17:34
Ashokraja V7-Jan-15 17:34 
AnswerRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Mycroft Holmes7-Jan-15 20:58
professionalMycroft Holmes7-Jan-15 20:58 
GeneralRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Ashokraja V7-Jan-15 21:13
Ashokraja V7-Jan-15 21:13 
GeneralRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Mycroft Holmes7-Jan-15 21:20
professionalMycroft Holmes7-Jan-15 21:20 
AnswerRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Richard Deeming8-Jan-15 2:55
mveRichard Deeming8-Jan-15 2:55 
GeneralRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Jan-15 12:02
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Jan-15 12:02 
GeneralRe: Grouping From & To continuous dates in SQL Server Pin
Ashokraja V12-Jan-15 18:24
Ashokraja V12-Jan-15 18:24 

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