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GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:42
nosmij14-May-03 17:42 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:49
nosmij14-May-03 17:49 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 18:48
nosmij14-May-03 18:48 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 19:05
nosmij14-May-03 19:05 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman14-May-03 22:56
Jon Newman14-May-03 22:56 
The GAC is a common store for .NET Assemblies that need to be accessible to the entire machine. It speeds up load times of apps etc...
Assemblies like mscorlib.dll and System.Windows.Forms.dll are all stored there for easy access.
By running:

in a console will list the functions avaliable to you for using the GAC. Including adding,retrieving and removing assemblies from the cache.

preJITed native assemblies is also stored in the cache.

More info at MSDN:[^]

"If you just say porn then you get all manner of chaff and low grade stuff."
- Paul Watson, Lounge 25 Mar 03
"If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
- Anon

Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [] [^]
GeneralReally hard question #1 Pin
eggie513-May-03 20:02
eggie513-May-03 20:02 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
Robin Golden14-May-03 2:39
Robin Golden14-May-03 2:39 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 7:52
eggie514-May-03 7:52 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 9:36
eggie514-May-03 9:36 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:13
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:13 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 16:57
eggie514-May-03 16:57 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 17:07
James T. Johnson14-May-03 17:07 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 17:46
eggie514-May-03 17:46 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
jeff_martin14-May-03 5:48
jeff_martin14-May-03 5:48 
Generalquestion on format color for DataGrid Pin
cruscal13-May-03 18:14
cruscal13-May-03 18:14 
QuestionResizable control? Pin
Wmzong13-May-03 16:41
Wmzong13-May-03 16:41 
GeneralDataGrid... Row Selection & Column Header Alignment Pin
jmt9n13-May-03 13:28
jmt9n13-May-03 13:28 
Generaliconic child window Pin
Anonymous13-May-03 12:44
Anonymous13-May-03 12:44 
GeneralWindows Form Dialog when Logged Out Pin
Ingram Leedy13-May-03 10:53
Ingram Leedy13-May-03 10:53 
GeneralRe: Windows Form Dialog when Logged Out Pin
IrvTheSwirv14-May-03 2:01
sussIrvTheSwirv14-May-03 2:01 
GeneralRe: Windows Form Dialog when Logged Out Pin
Ingram Leedy14-May-03 10:56
Ingram Leedy14-May-03 10:56 
GeneralWindows Forms Pin
pahlsson13-May-03 10:11
pahlsson13-May-03 10:11 

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