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GeneralRe: Problems with dll's in C# Pin
flyingv13-May-03 21:54
flyingv13-May-03 21:54 
QuestionDuplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 20:09
nosmij13-May-03 20:09 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 23:04
nosmij13-May-03 23:04 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:42
nosmij14-May-03 17:42 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:49
nosmij14-May-03 17:49 
That was helpful.... thanks.

But my problems are mainly due to my development environment. My professor wants me to use Eclipse 2.1 with the Improve C# plugin. Eclipse is excellent for Java development. But this IDE is not tuned for C# and lacks many of the features of VS7.

Infact, I'm totally new to .NET, C#, Eclipse.... And don't have much windows programming experience either. And I'm doing my semester project which is a 3D Graphics Engine using all of the above and this wrapper for OpenGL called CsGL by Lloyd Dupont & team. So I'm in a tight spot. Do you know of anyone who knows them all.

What I'm really interested is in - how does the compiler keep track of these files, especially if a referenced .cs file is not even in the project folder????? Meaning, how does it associate a using statement with a specific file??

"Excellence is never an accident" - JJC
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 18:48
nosmij14-May-03 18:48 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 19:05
nosmij14-May-03 19:05 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman14-May-03 22:56
Jon Newman14-May-03 22:56 
GeneralReally hard question #1 Pin
eggie513-May-03 20:02
eggie513-May-03 20:02 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
Robin Golden14-May-03 2:39
Robin Golden14-May-03 2:39 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 7:52
eggie514-May-03 7:52 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 9:36
eggie514-May-03 9:36 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:13
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:13 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 16:57
eggie514-May-03 16:57 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 17:07
James T. Johnson14-May-03 17:07 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
eggie514-May-03 17:46
eggie514-May-03 17:46 
GeneralRe: Really hard question #1 Pin
jeff_martin14-May-03 5:48
jeff_martin14-May-03 5:48 
Generalquestion on format color for DataGrid Pin
cruscal13-May-03 18:14
cruscal13-May-03 18:14 
QuestionResizable control? Pin
Wmzong13-May-03 16:41
Wmzong13-May-03 16:41 
GeneralDataGrid... Row Selection & Column Header Alignment Pin
jmt9n13-May-03 13:28
jmt9n13-May-03 13:28 
Generaliconic child window Pin
Anonymous13-May-03 12:44
Anonymous13-May-03 12:44 

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