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Questioncan we make label transparent? Pin
Itanium14-May-03 3:29
Itanium14-May-03 3:29 
AnswerRe: can we make label transparent? Pin
KingTermite15-May-03 3:36
KingTermite15-May-03 3:36 
GeneralRaising an event Pin
Andy H14-May-03 2:03
Andy H14-May-03 2:03 
GeneralRe: Raising an event Pin
Richard Deeming14-May-03 5:19
mveRichard Deeming14-May-03 5:19 
GeneralC# dll Pin
dhruvesh14-May-03 1:26
dhruvesh14-May-03 1:26 
GeneralAdding DataColumns becames slow Pin
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:01
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:01 
GeneralRe: Adding DataColumns becames slow Pin
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:40
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:40 
GeneralCombo Box Hell please help!!! Pin
Paul Griffin13-May-03 23:35
Paul Griffin13-May-03 23:35 
Hi all,

i've got a really irritating problem that is probably something very simple but is driving me crazy Mad | :mad: for some time now. I have a form with a tab control containing several tab pages. On each tab page there is a panel. On the panels i have some graphics and several combo boxes at different locations. the panels are also scrollable.

My problem is every time i click on a combo box that is not in view before scrolling down the form seems to invalidate itself and redraw so that the drop down list of the combo box is in the center of the screen. Is there some property which i've missed that can be set to avoid this????

Basically when i click on a combo box i want it to display the drop down list at the location its currently at and not redraw the whole form so its centered.

Any advice is VERY welcome,

Paul Griffin
GeneralRegarding DllImport Pin
jtmtv1813-May-03 22:02
jtmtv1813-May-03 22:02 
GeneralRe: Regarding DllImport Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:10
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:10 
GeneralQuestion about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite13-May-03 20:53
benzite13-May-03 20:53 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa13-May-03 21:19
Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa13-May-03 21:19 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite13-May-03 21:57
benzite13-May-03 21:57 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
leppie14-May-03 9:47
leppie14-May-03 9:47 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite14-May-03 19:13
benzite14-May-03 19:13 
GeneralProblems with dll's in C# Pin
flyingv13-May-03 20:25
flyingv13-May-03 20:25 
GeneralRe: Problems with dll's in C# Pin
cdehelean13-May-03 21:32
cdehelean13-May-03 21:32 
GeneralRe: Problems with dll's in C# Pin
flyingv13-May-03 21:54
flyingv13-May-03 21:54 
QuestionDuplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 20:09
nosmij13-May-03 20:09 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 23:04
nosmij13-May-03 23:04 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:42
nosmij14-May-03 17:42 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:49
nosmij14-May-03 17:49 

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