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GeneralRaising an event Pin
Andy H14-May-03 2:03
Andy H14-May-03 2:03 
GeneralRe: Raising an event Pin
Richard Deeming14-May-03 5:19
mveRichard Deeming14-May-03 5:19 
GeneralC# dll Pin
dhruvesh14-May-03 1:26
dhruvesh14-May-03 1:26 
GeneralAdding DataColumns becames slow Pin
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:01
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:01 
GeneralRe: Adding DataColumns becames slow Pin
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:40
A.Wegierski14-May-03 0:40 
GeneralCombo Box Hell please help!!! Pin
Paul Griffin13-May-03 23:35
Paul Griffin13-May-03 23:35 
GeneralRegarding DllImport Pin
jtmtv1813-May-03 22:02
jtmtv1813-May-03 22:02 
GeneralRe: Regarding DllImport Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:10
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:10 
If you use the Dependancy Walker that came with the Platform SDK, you can see some stuff, but most API functions are listed in MSDN, so just do a search for something that you want to do, and see what native features pop up.
Dependancy walker lets you see what other dll's are being referenced so its good for finding functions that are not in the 'right' dll.

"If you just say porn then you get all manner of chaff and low grade stuff."
- Paul Watson, Lounge 25 Mar 03
"If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
- Anon

Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
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GeneralQuestion about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite13-May-03 20:53
benzite13-May-03 20:53 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa13-May-03 21:19
Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa13-May-03 21:19 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite13-May-03 21:57
benzite13-May-03 21:57 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
leppie14-May-03 9:47
leppie14-May-03 9:47 
GeneralRe: Question about spider or web crawler Pin
benzite14-May-03 19:13
benzite14-May-03 19:13 
GeneralProblems with dll's in C# Pin
flyingv13-May-03 20:25
flyingv13-May-03 20:25 
GeneralRe: Problems with dll's in C# Pin
cdehelean13-May-03 21:32
cdehelean13-May-03 21:32 
GeneralRe: Problems with dll's in C# Pin
flyingv13-May-03 21:54
flyingv13-May-03 21:54 
QuestionDuplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 20:09
nosmij13-May-03 20:09 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06
Jon Newman13-May-03 22:06 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij13-May-03 23:04
nosmij13-May-03 23:04 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30
Jon Newman13-May-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:42
nosmij14-May-03 17:42 
AnswerRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19
James T. Johnson14-May-03 14:19 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 17:49
nosmij14-May-03 17:49 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24
James T. Johnson14-May-03 18:24 
GeneralRe: Duplicate 'using' statements = inefficient ? Pin
nosmij14-May-03 18:48
nosmij14-May-03 18:48 

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