And english is not your first language, I understand that. However the results of the search I supplied will give you more information and better resources than a forum post. Your requirement is not trivial small.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
SQL Server 2005 Express cann't create Replication\Local subcriptions ? because sql warning: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on this instance of SQL Server. For information about installing replication, see the topic Installing Replication in SQL Server Books Online.
I would not expect replication to be available in an Express version as it is one of the advanced features of the database but I don't know as I use neither the Express nor do I need the replication features.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I configure SQL Server Merge Replication, when merger database together, if one of the two server machines damaged or die, the software did not transfer it, i have to manually reset ip to the software to run, how to automatically switch to 1 in 2 server fails ?
How can I change the below code snippet from using cursor to using table expression. The below code is about getting specific data for general account and all accounts below such given account
FUNCTION [dbo].[GetChildrenAccount]
(@AccountID INT,
--@TypeTransaction INT,
--@Currnecy INT,
@Branch INT)
@IsLeaf AS BIT,
@TotalValue AS DECIMAL(18,3),
SELECT @TotalValue = ISNULL(SUM(JournalDet_Debit),0) * CASE WHEN @Currnecy = 0 THEN AccountBranch_CurrencyConv ELSE 1 END
FROM AccountTree
INNER JOIN Account_InBranch ON (AccountBranch_AccountID = Account_ID)
LEFT JOIN Journal_Details ON (Account_ID = JournalDet_AccountID)
LEFT JOIN Journal_Head ON (Journal_ID = JournalDet_HeadID)
WHERE (Account_ParentID = @AccountID OR Account_ID = @AccountID )
AND Journal_BranchID = @Branch
AND Journal_Date >= @DateFrom AND Journal_Date <= @DateTo
GROUP BY AccountBranch_BegBalDebit , AccountBranch_BalanceDebit , AccountBranch_CurrencyConv
OPEN GetAccount_ID
WHILE @@fetch_Status = 0
SET @TotalValue = @TotalValue + dbo.GetChildrenAccount(@Account_ID,@DateFrom,@DateTo,@Branch)
CLOSE GetAccount_ID
RETURN ISNULL(@TotalValue,0)
You seem to be missing the definition of your GetAccount_ID cursor.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I removed some parts of the function when posting may be I forgot and remove the declaration for
GetAccount_ID and here is the declaration
SELECT Account_ID FROM AccountTree WHERE Account_ParentID = @AccountID AND Account_Isleaf = 0
It's tricky to answer without your table definitions and some sample data, but this should get you close:
WITH cteAccountTree As
@AccountID As Account_ID
cteAccountTree As P
INNER JOIN AccountTree As C
ON C.Account_ParentID = P.Account_ID
Account_Isleaf = 0
@TotalValue = IsNull(Sum(JournalDet_Debit), 0) * CASE WHEN @Currency = 0 THEN AccountBranch_CurrencyConv ELSE 1 END
cteAccountTree As T
INNER JOIN Account_InBranch As B ON B.AccountBranch_AccountID = T.Account_ID
LEFT JOIN Journal_Details As JD ON JD.JournalDet_AccountID = T.Account_ID
LEFT JOIN Journal_Head As JH ON JH.Journal_ID = JD.JournalDet_HeadID
Journal_BranchID = @Branch
Journal_Date Between @DateFrom And @DateTo
The first part is a recursive common table expression (CTE):
How to use recursive CTE calls in T-SQL[^]
This should return the list of all accounts in the tree which have the specified account ID as an ancestor, excluding any with the Account_Isleaf flag set.
NB: If your tree is particularly deep, you might run into the default recursion limit. There will probably be a way to work around it, but it won't be as nice as the recursive CTE solution.
You then join the tree of account IDs to your branch and journal tables to calculate the total in one hit.
The only part I'm not sure about: your code seems to be double-counting at each level:
<hr size="1" color="#63B4FF" noshade="">
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<cite>"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."</cite>
- Homer
Thank very much for help. I'm trying to learn about recursive expression table however I cannot know how its really work The Where clause you mentioned at the end of your post to be able to get the parent account and its child(s) too and that what I forgot to mention in the post because I did not know it at the time when I wrote the post what I need to get is the parent account and its child(s) account(s) and if those child(s) account(s) is/are a parent(s) for another child(s) account(s) I got them too it seems stupid but this function is used within a procedure to get the balance of the account chart within the system.
Finally, I'm thanking you too much. could you help sending me a link to an explanation of the recursive CTE and how it is implemented
Appreciating your help. Thanks very much I will review the function again as I'm not the one who wrote it however I'm trying to optimize a Stored Procedure performance which selects from a lot of tables + calling this function. the last time I executed the procedure it nearly took over 14 minutes without a single result while it was still executing
hi - How can you tell if a SQL Server instance max'ed out bottleneck is Memory? It's on a 8GB box with two processors. Seems CPU ok. Memory max out the whole time while this big SELECT-INTO statement is running. Avg Disk Queue lenght ok - avg below 1.0 so doesn't appear disk/paging is causing problem.
However, fact from Task Manager memory keeps 7 GB out of 8GB over the whole time doesn't mean memory is the bottleneck? Or is it?
The same query runs on another SQL server with double the RAM finishes a few times quicker however.
Any advises? Thanks
Check the configuration on the SQL Server instances to see what the maximum amount of memory is that is allocated to them. I'm don't remember where it is, but that is a starting point.
Thanks alot
It works
Hi everyone
I am facing problem while I write the following syntax on command prompt:
Error is: "mysqldump: unknown option '--no-beep'"
please let me know the solution.
Try removing the option from the configuration file and try again.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
I want to send Email to Many Users from One Email Address. I did configured the Database Mail. After Scheduled this Job, It is sending Emails to some users and failing to some users. Following are the Error Message am getting from the Log.
1)The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 3 (2014-12-08T16:01:56).
Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (The operation has timed out.).
2)The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 3 (2014-12-08T16:02:05).
Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).
I am getting this Time Out Message even after Updating the Time Out to 60 Sec
I wanted to add database services to my windows app, but didn't want to use SQL Server, Access or even a DBF file would of been fine.
So the code below works fine, creates a database file, but off the top of your head, will I need to have sql server installed on other client machines?
Dim m_connString As String = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0; Integrated Security=True;"
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(m_connString)
Dim myQueryString As String = _
"( " & _
" FILENAME = '" & m_storagePath & "\STREAKWAVE.mdf', " & _
" SIZE = 10MB, " & _
" MAXSIZE = 500MB, " & _
" FILEGROWTH = 10% " &
") " & _
" LOG ON " & _
"( " & _
" NAME = STREAKWAVE_Log, " & _
" FILENAME = '" & m_storagePath & "\STREAKWAVE.ldf', " & _
" SIZE = 1MB, " & _
" MAXSIZE = 500MB, " & _
" FILEGROWTH = 10% " & _
") "
If this code works then you are presumably using SQL CE or similar, which is on the local machine. That is fine as far as it goes, but if you wish to share the database with other clients then you will need SQL server.
Sorry so late;
got wrapped up in a few projects
What a pain in the ?, I got it working finally, and found a 33 meg download for localDB.
But the speed is day and night, 20 secs using the DBF vs 1 sec using localDB
So VS2013 gives you the localDB, my users will have to install it.
jkirkerx wrote: off the top of your head, will I need to have sql server installed on other
client machines? Only on the machine that hosts the database(s).
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Thanks Eddy
Just got it to work, create database, tables, records
make the con strings for that.
Better than the oleDB DBF I was going to use, which took 20 sec to write 49 records.
Finished the switch to localDB this morning.
I have never heard of localDB, but it seems handy for vb.net windows apps.
sql server import export wizard stored procedure
modified 27-Nov-14 2:42am.
You need to expand your requirements as this is not a question.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
SQL Server will not do that.
There are other tools associated with SQL Server that will.
(Naturally this answer takes a vast leap as to what the question as such was.)