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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: c++ help Pin
Member 1122785414-Nov-14 4:12
Member 1122785414-Nov-14 4:12 
GeneralRe: c++ help Pin
Albert Holguin14-Nov-14 4:14
professionalAlbert Holguin14-Nov-14 4:14 
GeneralRe: c++ help Pin
Member 1122785414-Nov-14 4:29
Member 1122785414-Nov-14 4:29 
GeneralRe: c++ help Pin
Maximilien14-Nov-14 4:58
Maximilien14-Nov-14 4:58 
SuggestionRe: c++ help Pin
David Crow14-Nov-14 16:24
David Crow14-Nov-14 16:24 
GeneralTwo dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Vaclav_10-Nov-14 9:43
Vaclav_10-Nov-14 9:43 
GeneralRe: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Albert Holguin10-Nov-14 16:58
professionalAlbert Holguin10-Nov-14 16:58 
GeneralRe: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Vaclav_11-Nov-14 3:39
Vaclav_11-Nov-14 3:39 
It basically stops here
lcd_i2c.print(**Display); // display is OK

So it may be the LCD problem.

If it crashed it should restart, but there is something different is Due (SAM) code from AVR code on start up, so it my be just stuck.

I think I am assigning the values to the wrong pointer after the first array is done.
I actually should use plain array and not pointers since I need to do convolution with 3x3 matrix to detect edge.

I am not sure this is correct - the function gets a double pointer and than I assign to double pointer. But if I assign Display = iCount the compiler does not like it and I am still learning how to "translate" compiler / Arduino error messages.

<pre lang="c++">

lcd_i2c.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd_i2c.print("Display ");
**Display = iCount++; // set test value - works
lcd_i2c.print(**Display); // display is OK
// lcd_i2c.setCursor(0, 3);
// lcd_i2c.print("mask center ");
// lcd_i2c.print(**image );

SuggestionMessage Closed Pin
15-Nov-14 7:37
4india15-Nov-14 7:37 
GeneralRe: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Albert Holguin15-Nov-14 7:57
professionalAlbert Holguin15-Nov-14 7:57 
QuestionRe: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
David Crow11-Nov-14 4:12
David Crow11-Nov-14 4:12 
AnswerRe: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Nov-14 6:42
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Nov-14 6:42 
GeneralSOLVED Re: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Vaclav_11-Nov-14 8:30
Vaclav_11-Nov-14 8:30 
GeneralRe: SOLVED Re: Two dimmensional array using pointers on Arduino Due Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Nov-14 20:57
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Nov-14 20:57 
Questionmfc Pin
adilsk009-Nov-14 19:06
adilsk009-Nov-14 19:06 
AnswerRe: mfc Pin
_Flaviu9-Nov-14 20:18
_Flaviu9-Nov-14 20:18 
AnswerRe: mfc Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Nov-14 21:46
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Nov-14 21:46 
AnswerRe: mfc Pin
Chris Losinger10-Nov-14 3:05
professionalChris Losinger10-Nov-14 3:05 
QuestionClasses for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Fernando A. Gomez F.9-Nov-14 11:19
Fernando A. Gomez F.9-Nov-14 11:19 
AnswerRe: Classes for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Orjan Westin10-Nov-14 2:55
professionalOrjan Westin10-Nov-14 2:55 
GeneralRe: Classes for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Fernando A. Gomez F.10-Nov-14 6:57
Fernando A. Gomez F.10-Nov-14 6:57 
GeneralRe: Classes for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Orjan Westin10-Nov-14 7:29
professionalOrjan Westin10-Nov-14 7:29 
AnswerRe: Classes for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Aescleal11-Nov-14 2:05
Aescleal11-Nov-14 2:05 
GeneralRe: Classes for Win32 UI and how to hide details Pin
Fernando A. Gomez F.11-Nov-14 8:18
Fernando A. Gomez F.11-Nov-14 8:18 
QuestionCatching OnMouseMove on CGridCtrl Pin
_Flaviu7-Nov-14 0:31
_Flaviu7-Nov-14 0:31 

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