Not at all, I am now doing my drawing in OnPaint().
What I want to use BitBlt is to realize some special kind of paint brushes.
The brush to be realized is going to draw a small bitmap repeatly.But it seems doesn't work well as I said in this Post.
Another problem is how to get the mouse position on client surface outof Mouse events.
Or can I change the OnMouseMove()'s time interval of getting the current mouse position?
Now the time interval cannot satisfy my need to make a nice brush, I would like this interval to be as small as I want(can be equal to my Timer tick interval as about 1ms) can I do this??
I use Control.MousePosition to get the current mouse position on screen, then use this.PointToClient(Control.MousePositon) to translate it to client relative coordinate.
But it seems the point sensor interval is still not satisfied me.
By the way,
I have realized a nice eraser that works well with my layers.
When the eraser tool is activited, my code sets the Graphics.CompositeMode to SourceCopy and set the color of a pen inside my eraser class to a ZERO alpha value. The SourceCopy mode makes sure that the new stroke with new alpha value could cover the existing things on the bitmap.
That works fine for my eraser, but I think, to realize a selection rectangle, I need a XOR operation or a copy-paste of covered region operation.
I am getting this message from a system that is using DIME over web services. It has been working fine for quite some time and then just today for some reason I keep getting this message:
Microsoft.Web.Services.Timestamp.TimestampFault: Message Expired
at Microsoft.Web.Services.Timestamp.TimestampInputFilter.ProcessMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope)
at Microsoft.Web.Services.Pipeline.ProcessInputMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope)
at Microsoft.Web.Services.WebServicesExtension.BeforeDeserializeServer(SoapMessage message)
None of the programming code on either machine has been changed. Have spent a little while digging but have not yet found out anything even remotely related.
Any guesses?
Rocky Moore <><
Found out that the computers were off more than five minutes from one another. I didn't dream they would have to be in sync time wise to work, but I changed the time on one of the machines to match the other and it is all happy again. Guess the first web service I should call is to get the time of the other machine and make sure they are in sync.
Rocky Moore <><
Hi all
Can someone plz explain how I add a file compiled as a module to a MC++ project. I have added the file to the linker (module to add), but I cant access the assembly.
ANy suggestions?
Hey leppie! Your "proof" seems brilliant and absurd at the same time. - Vikram Punathambekar 28 Apr '03
Yip this just a simple test im trying, dunno if its possible even.
Just had a look, and appears not to be possible. I seems modules are only access from outside the assembly. I just wish it was not so... mite be OK for a dll, but not a single exe.
Hey leppie! Your "proof" seems brilliant and absurd at the same time. - Vikram Punathambekar 28 Apr '03
Go to the assembly project that has the assembly manifest (modules don't have one), and go to the Linker input property page and add the name of the module in the Add Module to Assembly property.
Separate each module path with a semicolon (no spaces between).
If you want to reference an object in the netmodule from another assembly, place a #using <test.netmodule> in the code.
Thanks, but the problem is that you cant reference and use code from that module from within the assembly its been added AFAIC see.
Hey leppie! Your "proof" seems brilliant and absurd at the same time. - Vikram Punathambekar 28 Apr '03
Since the Winforms dialog controls do not allow must in the way of customizing (e.g. customizing the OpenFileDialog), I was wondering if anyone has seen any commercially available 3rd party controls that provide customized dialogs. I thought I've seen some one time on the web, but a google search hasn't helped me find it again.
I'm having a problem with an architectural issue and the MS newsgroups are too slow, so here's to hoping...
I have a licensing service (hosted by a Windows Service) that essentially uses the number of registered sponsors as the current number of licenses granted. This is done using signed XML, a unique ID (the computer's SID), and a number representing the number of licenses granted. The service - after having read and verified the license information - increments the granted license count with each registered sponsor and decrements the count when a sponsor unregisters*, where 0 <= n <= m, where n is the number of registered sponsors and m is the max number of licenses. If a client can't get a license, they're booted from the system (after a friendly error message).
* Now, the problem is that the only thing in the entire .NET Framework (I've searched all the extracted IL with regex's) that calls ILease::Unregister (where I would decrement the count) is ClientSponsor::Unregister . Nothing in the .NET Framework calls ClientSponsor::Unregister , however. This becomes a problem in any case because the server basically has to know when a sponsor is dropped, whether they've expired, quit, or have been unloaded unexpectedly (perhaps from Environment::Exit after a fatal error, or the OS crashes).
So, I must take the DCOM approach and poll the sponsor list that I keep track of (I implement my own ILease ). This is not a unacceptable idea since this will all probably happen on a local network, but I would rather avoid it.
So, is there any way that the lease can know when a sponsor is dropped without GC? If the item is GC'd on the client, can I expect that the item in the list is GC'd eventually as well? I guess I'm just hoping for some ideas to solve this counter problem.
PS: The remoting interface is merely a marker. All the actual work is done by the lease/sponsor relationship since a Register/Unregister mechanism already exists.
Reminiscent of my younger years...
20 RUN
Tom Barnaby posted the following message on http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/25/128945.aspx:
I use what I call a "Disposing Sponsor" in situations where I need timely cleanup of a remote object when its lease expires. This is a server side sponsor that does NOT renew the lease but just calls dispose on the sponsored object. Here is an example: (lifted right out of my book )
class DisposingSponsor : ISponsor
private IDisposable mManagedObj;
public DisposingSponsor(IDisposable managedObj)
mManagedObj = managedObj;
public TimeSpan Renewal(ILease leaseInfo)
return TimeSpan.Zero;
Then you simply register this sponsor with the remote object. This can be
done in a number of places, but a logical place is the remote object's
InitializeLifetime service method:
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
ILease leaseInfo = (ILease)base.InitializeLifetimeService();
// Register a CustomerSponsor object as a sponsor.
leaseInfo.Register(new CustomerSponsor());
// Register a DisposingSponsor object
leaseInfo.Register(new DisposingSponsor(this));
// RegisterSponsors(leaseInfo);
return leaseInfo;
Tom Barnaby
Author: "Distributed .NET Programming in C#"
I used this approach to solve a similar situation and it worked great. I hope this helps!
I'm wondering whether a 1.0 .NET App (C#) can work / run on a machine that has the 1.1 .NET Framework Runtime installed?
Unless an inappropriate .config file tells otherwise, the answer is yes. The application will start, and is very likely to run fine.
Note there is a difference between a machine with only the 1.1 CLR installed, and a machine with both CLRs installed.
What kind of differences exactly?
If both CLRs are installed, then the application will start using CLR 1.0, unless a .config file tells otherwise.
If only CLR 1.1 is installed, then the application will start using CLR 1.1.
We should make links like this more visible both in the documentation as well as public newsgroups. Please check:
There is a wealth of information that talkes about the various .config file changes that have to be done to modify your application to run under various Fx version scenarios. There's also a link that talks about various API breaking changes.
Albert Ho
.NET Developer Evangelist
Microsoft - Norcal
There are some 7-8 issues where applications written in 1.1 break down when run on 1.0.
I am searching a sample / doc how to use IrDAListener !
I want to create a IrDA Server application in C# with the
new .NET IrDA classes, but I can't found any doc !
Never change a running system!
Daniel S. wrote:
new .NET IrDA classes
? where do find those?
Hey leppie! Your "proof" seems brilliant and absurd at the same time. - Vikram Punathambekar 28 Apr '03
Consider this quote from the .NET documentation.
"Value types are sealed, which means that no other type can be derived from them. However, you can define virtual methods directly on the value type, and these methods can be called on either the boxed or unboxed form of the type. Although you cannot derive another type from a value type, you might define virtual methods on a value type when you are using a language in which it is more convenient to work with virtual methods than with nonvirtual or static methods."
I want to create a method that acts on integer values, but I cannot find anywhere online or in the documentation how to accomplish. To provide an example, I want to do this:
Int32 i=0x0004;
byte[] array=i.GetBytes();
where ReverseByteOrder and GetBytes are functions I define. Is this possible? The documentation implies yes, but am I misunderstanding it?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
PepeTheCow wrote:
The documentation implies yes, but am I misunderstanding it?
The documentation doesn't imply it, but it isn't very straight-forward about it.
What it is saying is that if you define your own value type (in C# that means a struct) then it is legal to declare methods on it as being virtual.
In C# virtual means a derived class can override the implementation of that method, but to over ride you must first inherit from that struct which isn't allowed. The documentation is clarifying why it is legal to use virtual, and that is for the times when you are using your value type in other languages where a virtual method maybe easier to use/call than a non-virtual one.
Thats how I read it anyway
"It is self repeating, of unknown pattern"
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Currently, I am making a multi-layer applicaiton like PhotoShop or Painter above .NET Framework using C#.
When I come to the point to realize the multi-layer part, I am stopped. I've tried to use .NET Framework library only.But it seems doesn't work.
I create several bitmap to store each layer's drawing for double buffering to view, that's OK.
The thing is I cannot make the desired effect on the view(panels that contain the painting). The effect I want is:
If I draw on the deeper layer(panel), the stokes/shapes on upper layer(panel) will form a mask that cover the strokes/shapes I am drawing.
I tried one method : Draw to the buffer and invalidate the panel on every invoke of mouseMove event handler(whenever mousemovement is captured), but it caused serious ficker.
Hope I give a clear explainatio of my problem.Could any one give me advice on how to realize this function.