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GeneralRe: Retrieve Data Using Comma Separated List Pin
Mycroft Holmes29-Oct-14 3:13
professionalMycroft Holmes29-Oct-14 3:13 
QuestionAdvice on Perfomance Turning of the Query Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd28-Oct-14 7:27
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd28-Oct-14 7:27 
GeneralRe: Advice on Perfomance Turning of the Query Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Oct-14 8:04
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Oct-14 8:04 
AnswerRe: Advice on Perfomance Turning of the Query Pin
Eddy Vluggen28-Oct-14 8:59
professionalEddy Vluggen28-Oct-14 8:59 
AnswerRe: Advice on Perfomance Turning of the Query Pin
Mycroft Holmes28-Oct-14 12:59
professionalMycroft Holmes28-Oct-14 12:59 
GeneralRe: Advice on Perfomance Turning of the Query Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd4-Nov-14 21:56
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd4-Nov-14 21:56 
QuestionCombine results from 2 foxpro DBF files using union Pin
jkirkerx27-Oct-14 12:30
professionaljkirkerx27-Oct-14 12:30 
AnswerMakes no sense how it works Pin
jkirkerx27-Oct-14 13:01
professionaljkirkerx27-Oct-14 13:01 
I think got it. The numbers look correct on a couple of test items.
I'm shocked that it works, doesn't really make sense to me how the inner select lines up with the main select.

queryString +=
        " SELECT " & _
        " DISTINCT FITEMNO " & _
        ", SUM(FSHIPQTY) " & _
        ", AVG(FCOST) " & _
        ", AVG(FPRICE) " & _
        ", SUM(FSHIPQTY * FPRICE) " & _
        " FROM " & _
        "(" & _
        "   SELECT " & _
        "      h.FITEMNO " & _
        "    , h.FSHIPQTY " & _
        "    , h.FCOST " & _
        "    , h.FPRICE " & _
        "   FROM ARTRS01H.dbf h " & _
        "   WHERE " & _
        "   h.FSHIPDATE >= @startDate AND h.FSHIPDATE <= @stopDate " & _
        "   UNION ALL " & _
        "   SELECT " & _
        "      v.FITEMNO " & _
        "    , v.FSHIPQTY " & _
        "    , v.FCOST " & _
        "    , v.FPRICE " & _
        "   FROM ARTRS01.dbf v " & _
        "   WHERE " & _
        "   v.FSHIPDATE >= @startDate AND v.FSHIPDATE <= @stopDate " & _
        ")" & _
        " GROUP BY FITEMNO "

QuestionSelect count on 2 DBF files Pin
jkirkerx27-Oct-14 11:11
professionaljkirkerx27-Oct-14 11:11 
GeneralRe: Select count on 2 DBF files Pin
PIEBALDconsult27-Oct-14 11:25
mvePIEBALDconsult27-Oct-14 11:25 
GeneralRe: Select count on 2 DBF files Pin
jkirkerx27-Oct-14 12:23
professionaljkirkerx27-Oct-14 12:23 
QuestionRewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Ambertje21-Oct-14 0:00
Ambertje21-Oct-14 0:00 
AnswerRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-Oct-14 0:25
professionalMycroft Holmes21-Oct-14 0:25 
GeneralRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Ambertje21-Oct-14 1:40
Ambertje21-Oct-14 1:40 
GeneralRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Richard Deeming21-Oct-14 2:00
mveRichard Deeming21-Oct-14 2:00 
GeneralRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Ambertje21-Oct-14 2:25
Ambertje21-Oct-14 2:25 
GeneralRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-Oct-14 12:52
professionalMycroft Holmes21-Oct-14 12:52 
SuggestionRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Richard Deeming21-Oct-14 1:55
mveRichard Deeming21-Oct-14 1:55 
AnswerRe: Rewrit a Scalar function to a table valued function Pin
Eddy Vluggen21-Oct-14 2:33
professionalEddy Vluggen21-Oct-14 2:33 
QuestionStored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
avisharma@sharma19-Oct-14 20:01
avisharma@sharma19-Oct-14 20:01 
QuestionRe: Stored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
Jörgen Andersson19-Oct-14 21:22
professionalJörgen Andersson19-Oct-14 21:22 
AnswerRe: Stored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
avisharma@sharma19-Oct-14 23:04
avisharma@sharma19-Oct-14 23:04 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
Shweta N Mishra20-Oct-14 2:24
professionalShweta N Mishra20-Oct-14 2:24 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
avisharma@sharma27-Oct-14 2:42
avisharma@sharma27-Oct-14 2:42 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure for Item Allotment Pin
Shweta N Mishra27-Oct-14 3:37
professionalShweta N Mishra27-Oct-14 3:37 

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