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GeneralRe: COMException "Requested resource in use" Pin
GriffonRL12-May-03 0:42
GriffonRL12-May-03 0:42 
GeneralDataComponents in Visual C# Pin
flyingv6-May-03 23:41
flyingv6-May-03 23:41 
GeneralRe: DataComponents in Visual C# Pin
Andres Manggini7-May-03 20:09
Andres Manggini7-May-03 20:09 
GeneralRe: DataComponents in Visual C# Pin
Anonymous9-May-03 2:01
Anonymous9-May-03 2:01 
GeneralRe: DataComponents in Visual C# Pin
Andres Manggini9-May-03 13:00
Andres Manggini9-May-03 13:00 
QuestionHow to write WebControl Pin
KETUINHA6-May-03 21:21
KETUINHA6-May-03 21:21 
QuestionHow to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
benzite6-May-03 20:20
benzite6-May-03 20:20 
AnswerRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 22:19
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 22:19 
Hello Benzite,

- if you create a HTMLDocument instance, then it's like an empty web page. Before you can browse the tree of tags, you have to fill the HTMLDocument. That's the reason why you don't find any <body> element.
- to fill the DOM, you could use IPersistFile.Load(filepath), IUrlMoniker(url). Or, may be simpler, something David Stone has pointed out in this forum a couple of days ago : he uses the WebClient class to download the web page and get the source code. Now you can use the web page you have just retrieved and pass it as a parameter to HTMLDocument.write(...).

Good luck!

GeneralRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
benzite7-May-03 17:30
benzite7-May-03 17:30 
GeneralRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-May-03 20:37
Stephane Rodriguez.7-May-03 20:37 
GeneralRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
benzite7-May-03 21:41
benzite7-May-03 21:41 
GeneralRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-May-03 21:58
Stephane Rodriguez.7-May-03 21:58 
GeneralRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
benzite7-May-03 22:25
benzite7-May-03 22:25 
AnswerRe: How to extract links from a webpage using mshtml Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 22:36
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 22:36 
General<mailto> in C# Pin
eggie56-May-03 15:02
eggie56-May-03 15:02 
GeneralRe: in C# Pin
J. Dunlap6-May-03 15:35
J. Dunlap6-May-03 15:35 
GeneralAll in Code Behind. . . . Pin
drewpecunia6-May-03 13:38
drewpecunia6-May-03 13:38 
GeneralWebRequest is not working Pin
IsaacB6-May-03 12:48
IsaacB6-May-03 12:48 
GeneralRe: WebRequest is not working Pin
leppie7-May-03 7:01
leppie7-May-03 7:01 
GeneralNetworkStream: To buffer, or not to buffer... Pin
Katalyst6-May-03 12:14
Katalyst6-May-03 12:14 
QuestionIHTMLEditHost sample for C#? Pin
J. Dunlap6-May-03 10:22
J. Dunlap6-May-03 10:22 
AnswerRe: IHTMLEditHost sample for C#? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 11:30
Stephane Rodriguez.6-May-03 11:30 
GeneralRe: IHTMLEditHost sample for C#? Pin
J. Dunlap6-May-03 13:01
J. Dunlap6-May-03 13:01 
QuestionHow to get the IP Number of the server on which my app is running Pin
Ranjan Banerji6-May-03 9:20
Ranjan Banerji6-May-03 9:20 
AnswerRe: How to get the IP Number of the server on which my app is running Pin
Rama Krishna Vavilala6-May-03 9:31
Rama Krishna Vavilala6-May-03 9:31 

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