Quote: Are you saying you don't know how to handle text input, and use the content to change the focus of your TreeView?
As a newbie I'm not sure what your response means. I want the display to scroll based on user input in a textbox rather than using the scrollbar and mouse. If that's what you mean by your response, than yes, I don't know how.
I am still not sure what you are getting at. A textbox is used for text input, and your program can capture that text as it is entered or when it is complete. It then makes use of that text in whatever way necessary. Scrolling of a view is a separate issue and would require some code to be written to move a certain tree item to the top of the form (or area of the form). The suggestion at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457932/c-sharp-how-do-i-scroll-selected-treeview-node-into-view[^] should help you to figure out how to ensure the selected node is visible.
Okay. I got my answer from a respondent on MSDN. Since I'm in the process of learning the language, syntax, and nuances of Visual C# this is the kind of answer struggling people like me hope to receive from FORUMS like this. There is no way I would have known to do this or "Write It" without guidance.
Quote: Hi Hawk73ku,
According to your description, you'd like to find the specified treenode from the TreeView.
I wrote a sample for you, Here are my steps.
Step1: create a form with a textbox, a button and a treeview.
Step2: set the button click event handler like this.
List<treenode> tnlist = new List<treenode>();//collect the result nodes
int count = -1;//used to record the index of the selectnode
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.getallTreeNode(this.treeView1.Nodes, tnlist);
if (tnlist != null && tnlist.Count > 0)
if (count >= tnlist.Count)
count = 0;
this.treeView1.SelectedNode = tnlist[count];
private void getallTreeNode(TreeNodeCollection nodes, List<treenode> ltn)
foreach (TreeNode tn in nodes)
if (tn.Text.ToLower().Contains(this.textBox1.Text.ToLower()))
if (tn.Nodes.Count > 0)
getallTreeNode(tn.Nodes, ltn);
the getallTreeNode method in my code is used to collect the result treenodes to a list.
#TreeNode Class
If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
Best regards,
Youjun Tang
Unfortunately you did not make it clear that you did not know the fundamentals of writing a WinForms application. Had you done so you would have received somewhat different responses. Although these forums are designed to help people with specific questions (see http://www.codeproject.com/Messages/3137519/Forum-Guidelines-PLEASE-READ.aspx[^]), rather than teach them how to program. If you want to learn from the beginning then there are many websites that offer beginners' tutorials, including here at CodeProject; but you are expected to go and find them for yourself.
Pardon me. Had I known English wasn't understood here I would have made it painstakingly clear but thought my first sentence, "Quote: New to VS C# and inherited a partially developed C# Winform project. Need some guidance. said it all. Also I didn't see anywhere that you don't take kindly to folks learning. I'll make a note of that. But if my opening statement didn't work for you I would have thought an intelligent being such as yourself would have surmised my skill level based on the question. (go figure)
It's very presumptuous of you to think I haven't gone through numerous tutorials and articles on the topic and while I've learned how to build the tree from a SQL source and update it, I did not find anything addressing my question and is why I came here hoping for some guidance. I'm so sorry I did that. I'll think twice about asking another.
Have a good day.
Member 11059799 wrote: It's very presumptuous of you to think I presumed nothing, but I can only base my responses on the information you provide. If it's not clear then I ask for clarification, which I did in several responses. If you can't understand my questions then you can do the same. I'm sorry that I could not provide all the information you wanted, but I did (I thought) make it clear on my part that I did not fully understand what you were asking for. And I'm sorry that you seem to think that you are not getting the value for money that is your due, but we do this in our own time and at no cost to you.
Member 11059799 wrote: If yes how is it done in VS C#? You'll have to WRITE it.
And no, there's very little chance that anyone has done "exactly" what you need, so you search for an example that comes close and start there. Start here[^]
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Well that was no help at all. You think I didn't search for something close? I stepped through every one of those articles with tags VS, C#, and SQL. Not only is there nothing close but nothing near the planet and there isn't a Tag for Winforms.
The project Social.Club might be useful but I can't get it to load and build per the instructions. Perhaps because I have VS 2013 and not VS 2010. Not sure. In any event it doesn't look like it contains an example of user text input to scroll the Tree display.
Member 11059799 wrote: Not only is there nothing close but nothing near the planet ..there's quite some examples out there on searching, also including WinForm-treeviews. Like I already said, we don't have examples on each scenario. Filtering would be harder to implement than searching; searching a single item and highlighting it would be a lot easier to start with.
- Nodes.Find[^]
- Looping all nodes yourself (recursively!) and checking it (will be harder if the tree lazyloads, and should ideally be done on the datasource, not the tree itself)
Member 11059799 wrote: In any event it doesn't look like it contains an example of user text input to
scroll the Tree display. "Finding" an item in a tree requires a textbox for a search-term, and invoking the Find method. Highlighting that node should bring it into view.
Simplest example I could come up with is given below. Do mind the difference between a node-key and its caption. Keynames should be unique, captions don't have to be. Anyting with more flexibility requires more coding.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
static class Program
static void Main()
using (var f = new Form())
var tb = new TextBox() { Dock = DockStyle.Top };
var tv = new TreeView() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
f.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { tv, tb });
tv.Nodes.Add("one", "one").Nodes.Add("two", "two");
tv.Nodes.Add("three", "tree").Nodes.Add("nine", "nine");
tv.Nodes.Add("tree", "three").Nodes.Add("oak", "oak");
tb.KeyDown += (o, a) =>
a.Handled = a.KeyCode == Keys.Return;
if (a.Handled)
TreeNode[] foundNodes = tv.Nodes.Find(tb.Text, true);
if (foundNodes.Length > 0)
tv.SelectedNode = foundNodes[0];
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
modified 8-Sep-14 14:54pm.
I would recreate a new tree-view and fill it with items found. Then switch the between the two different tree-view controls.
lol, just noticed the date. Why do they have 14 year old threads on here..
Sometimes coding in C#, you can't see the forest for the trees. I'm sure the answer is ridiculously simple, but it has me baffled.
On a windows form, the user clicks a toolstrip item which opend a dropdown list. The user clicks a selection, dropdown list disappears, and the selected item displays towards the top. To get rid of that displayed item, you have to click anywhere else on the form.
All I'm trying to do is when the user clicks their selection, close (wrong word?)down the display for that toolstrip item. (Act as if I clicked on a different portion of the form.)
Thanks in advance.
You could try selecting another control by doing theControl.Select() .
Thanks Ravi, but I get the same results.
Researching the problem, it's comforting to know that I am not the only one experiencing this problem. Other users experiencing the same problem seem to report "it doesn't work" to other offered solutions. I found an old post with an answer by a Microsoft employee stating, "It's by design." Well even so . . .
Ravi, My apologies. I'm unfamiliar with this messsage board and I hit a "down arrow" icon thinking it would scroll down to the next message. Turns out it gave you a thumbs down for your answer, which was definitely not my intention. - Kevin
No worries.
If I understood your question correctly, you have a ToolStripComboBox as an item of a ToolStripDropDownButton and want to close dropdown when an item of combobox is selected; so you can do this:
private void toolStripComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have a strange problem with the configuration of an application written in c # winform.
I wrote a simple application that reads some records from a table in sql remote. in the App.config file I wrote the connection string and everything works.
I copied the bin folder on another pc and for error I renamed the configuration file <apptext> .exe.config in <apptext> .exe.conig
I run the application and the application rightly gave me error because it could not find the config file. I renamed the file correctly and everything works fine.
What happens: :mad:
randomly when I do a restart of the PC, I find myself in the bin folder
the configuration file wrong, what I had written the first time <apptext> .exe.conig
Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
thank you
First you have to find out why it is getting renamed in that way, and there could be many reasons. Without access to your pc it is not possible to guess.
thansk for reply
is a week that I'm trying to understand what happens
by the time I solved by copying the configuration file at to the start of the application
but it's not good
the operating system is windows 7 and I just can not understand on what happens.
perhaps the first time, it was put configurator wrong in some cache
and when restart the PC overwrites the existing one.
I also removed the write permission to all users, including Administrator and System,
the problem remains
I can only assume that you are running this in Visual studio and regenerating the file when you restart your PC. Check all the settings in Visual Studio to see that it does not have a reference to the "wrong" name.
Hi Richard
thanks again for replay
No, the application is not launched from Visual Studio
I wrote, compiled and put on a pc
And i checked into reference but nothing
the strange thing is that it reappears old configurator
even now he did .....................
I'm going crazy
Sorry, but there is nothing we can suggest without a lot more information.
Thanks for your time
I solved the problem
hi does anyone know how i can disable the animation which happens to a windows form when the this.hide() is used?
i am trying to do this without using thread.sleep.
i am using vs.net 2012. thanks and any help is appreciated.
neodeaths wrote: hi does anyone know how i can disable the animation which happens to a windows
form when the this.hide() is used? I haven't tried it, but I guess it'd be the performance options of Windows. There's a setting in the system-page somewhere that let's the user decide between "cool" (animations, shades and stuff) and "fast" (no animation, no shades). Or to let Windows decide. AFAIK, it's a settting that would change the behaviour for ALL applications.
neodeaths wrote: i am trying to do this without using thread.sleep. Try clearing the .Controls collection and making the form 100% transparent. "Hide" it after that.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]