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AnswerRe: Arabic langauge not display when i make search by arabic langauge why Pin
Richard Deeming8-Sep-14 2:02
mveRichard Deeming8-Sep-14 2:02 
QuestionSelect records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Ambertje4-Sep-14 0:07
Ambertje4-Sep-14 0:07 
AnswerRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Chris Quinn4-Sep-14 0:13
Chris Quinn4-Sep-14 0:13 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:40
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:40 
AnswerRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Eddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 0:31
professionalEddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 0:31 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:41
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:41 
QuestionRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Richard MacCutchan4-Sep-14 6:19
mveRichard MacCutchan4-Sep-14 6:19 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Eddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 8:26
professionalEddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 8:26 
Yes, kinda predictable.

It's a bad idea to do so, and should be fixed. The time you are saving is a culture-specific format, it is a text, something the computer does not calculate with.

A DateTime in a computer is a floating point. The integer-part counts the days passed since the epoch (start of counting of days, often 1/1/1900), the decimal part represents the time, in ticks. They are not two separate facts - and should be modelled as a single field, of the DateTime-datatype. The computer can easily calculate with those.

Breaking the date and time into separate fields is as usefull as using a separate field for the day, month, year, hour, minute and second. If they represent a single atomic fact, than that is how it should be modelled.
Bastard Programmer from Hell Suspicious | :suss:
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]

GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Jörgen Andersson4-Sep-14 10:57
professionalJörgen Andersson4-Sep-14 10:57 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Eddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 11:54
professionalEddy Vluggen4-Sep-14 11:54 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Jörgen Andersson4-Sep-14 18:39
professionalJörgen Andersson4-Sep-14 18:39 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Corporal Agarn5-Sep-14 0:51
professionalCorporal Agarn5-Sep-14 0:51 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Richard Deeming5-Sep-14 1:50
mveRichard Deeming5-Sep-14 1:50 
AnswerRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Corporal Agarn4-Sep-14 0:55
professionalCorporal Agarn4-Sep-14 0:55 
AnswerRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Richard Deeming4-Sep-14 1:41
mveRichard Deeming4-Sep-14 1:41 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:46
Ambertje4-Sep-14 1:46 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
Corporal Agarn4-Sep-14 3:06
professionalCorporal Agarn4-Sep-14 3:06 
GeneralRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
sai sruthi8-Sep-14 23:38
sai sruthi8-Sep-14 23:38 
AnswerRe: Select records between day, time 05:00:00 and day+1 until time 05:00:00 Pin
challa naresh kumar reddy12-Sep-14 2:31
challa naresh kumar reddy12-Sep-14 2:31 
QuestionSend email from a stored procedure Pin
Member 12847213-Sep-14 12:26
Member 12847213-Sep-14 12:26 
AnswerRe: Send email from a stored procedure Pin
GuyThiebaut3-Sep-14 21:46
professionalGuyThiebaut3-Sep-14 21:46 
GeneralRe: Send email from a stored procedure Pin
Member 12847214-Sep-14 17:49
Member 12847214-Sep-14 17:49 
GeneralRe: Send email from a stored procedure Pin
GuyThiebaut4-Sep-14 21:30
professionalGuyThiebaut4-Sep-14 21:30 
GeneralRe: Send email from a stored procedure Pin
jschell5-Sep-14 10:34
jschell5-Sep-14 10:34 
AnswerRe: Send email from a stored procedure Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-Sep-14 22:35
professionalEddy Vluggen3-Sep-14 22:35 

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