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GeneralRe: Need help to print a receipt in a WPF project Pin
vanjier5-Aug-14 7:05
vanjier5-Aug-14 7:05 
AnswerRe: Need help to print a receipt in a WPF project Pin
Dilan Shaminda4-Aug-14 18:13
professionalDilan Shaminda4-Aug-14 18:13 
GeneralRe: Need help to print a receipt in a WPF project Pin
vanjier5-Aug-14 7:06
vanjier5-Aug-14 7:06 
AnswerRe: Need help to print a receipt in a WPF project Pin
Jaimin H. Soni4-Aug-14 22:56
Jaimin H. Soni4-Aug-14 22:56 
QuestionHow to convert Date of v.b to DateTime of c# Pin
Dj@y4-Aug-14 3:29
professionalDj@y4-Aug-14 3:29 
AnswerRe: How to convert Date of v.b to DateTime of c# Pin
OriginalGriff4-Aug-14 4:45
mveOriginalGriff4-Aug-14 4:45 
AnswerRe: How to convert Date of v.b to DateTime of c# Pin
jschell4-Aug-14 11:22
jschell4-Aug-14 11:22 
AnswerRe: How to convert Date of v.b to DateTime of c# Pin
V.5-Aug-14 0:05
professionalV.5-Aug-14 0:05 
Look into the DateTime ToString[^] method and the DateTime TryParseExact[^] methods.

Although you could just pass the Date or DateTime objects as is? Chances are it is compatible. But for the record, I'm assuming you're talking VB.Net?

(MQOTD rules and previous solutions)

QuestionDelete file which was in Picture Box before loading another Picture Pin
Alston Antony2-Aug-14 18:02
Alston Antony2-Aug-14 18:02 
AnswerRe: Delete file which was in Picture Box before loading another Picture Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Aug-14 22:45
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Aug-14 22:45 
AnswerRe: Delete file which was in Picture Box before loading another Picture Pin
Ravi Bhavnani3-Aug-14 9:04
professionalRavi Bhavnani3-Aug-14 9:04 
Questionwant to add a text box on master page Pin
Atul 19892-Aug-14 2:19
Atul 19892-Aug-14 2:19 
SuggestionRe: want to add a text box on master page Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-14 2:53
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-14 2:53 
SuggestionRe: want to add a text box on master page Pin
Richard Deeming4-Aug-14 2:19
mveRichard Deeming4-Aug-14 2:19 
AnswerRe: want to add a text box on master page Pin
Sibeesh KV29-Sep-14 19:50
professionalSibeesh KV29-Sep-14 19:50 
QuestionTreeview control with Newick format Pin
Abolfazl Ghavidel1-Aug-14 21:08
Abolfazl Ghavidel1-Aug-14 21:08 
AnswerRe: Treeview control with Newick format Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-Aug-14 1:54
professionalEddy Vluggen3-Aug-14 1:54 
QuestionHow can we create a photo gallery in C# Pin
Member 109104631-Aug-14 7:59
Member 109104631-Aug-14 7:59 
AnswerRe: How can we create a photo gallery in C# Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-14 9:04
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-14 9:04 
AnswerRe: How can we create a photo gallery in C# Pin
wisdom123-Aug-14 1:45
wisdom123-Aug-14 1:45 
AnswerRe: How can we create a photo gallery in C# Pin
Ravi Bhavnani3-Aug-14 9:06
professionalRavi Bhavnani3-Aug-14 9:06 
QuestionHow can i make a DVR Server ? i want to connect to more than one DVR from the Internet using ASP.NET Website. Pin
Aimanzaki1-Aug-14 5:36
Aimanzaki1-Aug-14 5:36 
AnswerRe: How can i make a DVR Server ? i want to connect to more than one DVR from the Internet using ASP.NET Website. Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-14 6:25
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-14 6:25 
QuestionGet smart card certificates on a Windows Mobile 6 application and Compact Framework Pin
Wakonda30-Jul-14 20:47
Wakonda30-Jul-14 20:47 
AnswerRe: Get smart card certificates on a Windows Mobile 6 application and Compact Framework Pin
Wakonda8-Sep-14 2:48
Wakonda8-Sep-14 2:48 

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