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.NET (Core and Framework)

GeneralRe: Can a 1.0 .NET App run on a 1.1 Framework? Pin
CyberKewl2-May-03 1:45
CyberKewl2-May-03 1:45 
GeneralRe: Can a 1.0 .NET App run on a 1.1 Framework? Pin
Albert Ho [msft]6-May-03 23:06
Albert Ho [msft]6-May-03 23:06 
AnswerRe: Can a 1.0 .NET App run on a 1.1 Framework? Pin
Anonymous6-May-03 20:27
Anonymous6-May-03 20:27 
GeneralIrDA with .NET Pin
Daniel Strigl1-May-03 21:17
Daniel Strigl1-May-03 21:17 
GeneralRe: IrDA with .NET Pin
leppie2-May-03 8:51
leppie2-May-03 8:51 
GeneralRe: IrDA with .NET Pin
Daniel Strigl2-May-03 9:05
Daniel Strigl2-May-03 9:05 
Generalvirtual methods on existing value types Pin
Ben Watson1-May-03 17:39
Ben Watson1-May-03 17:39 
GeneralRe: virtual methods on existing value types Pin
James T. Johnson1-May-03 17:57
James T. Johnson1-May-03 17:57 
PepeTheCow wrote:
The documentation implies yes, but am I misunderstanding it?

The documentation doesn't imply it, but it isn't very straight-forward about it.

What it is saying is that if you define your own value type (in C# that means a struct) then it is legal to declare methods on it as being virtual.

In C# virtual means a derived class can override the implementation of that method, but to over ride you must first inherit from that struct which isn't allowed. The documentation is clarifying why it is legal to use virtual, and that is for the times when you are using your value type in other languages where a virtual method maybe easier to use/call than a non-virtual one.

Thats how I read it anyway Smile | :)


"It is self repeating, of unknown pattern"
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Generalpaint application question Pin
lfsong30-Apr-03 0:41
lfsong30-Apr-03 0:41 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
J. Dunlap30-Apr-03 8:31
J. Dunlap30-Apr-03 8:31 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong1-May-03 17:55
lfsong1-May-03 17:55 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson1-May-03 18:06
James T. Johnson1-May-03 18:06 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong2-May-03 5:30
lfsong2-May-03 5:30 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson2-May-03 14:57
James T. Johnson2-May-03 14:57 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong2-May-03 19:03
lfsong2-May-03 19:03 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson2-May-03 23:00
James T. Johnson2-May-03 23:00 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong4-May-03 18:46
lfsong4-May-03 18:46 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
J. Dunlap4-May-03 18:57
J. Dunlap4-May-03 18:57 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong4-May-03 22:52
lfsong4-May-03 22:52 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson4-May-03 19:05
James T. Johnson4-May-03 19:05 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
J. Dunlap4-May-03 19:36
J. Dunlap4-May-03 19:36 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson4-May-03 20:24
James T. Johnson4-May-03 20:24 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
J. Dunlap4-May-03 20:29
J. Dunlap4-May-03 20:29 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
lfsong4-May-03 23:36
lfsong4-May-03 23:36 
GeneralRe: paint application question Pin
James T. Johnson5-May-03 1:01
James T. Johnson5-May-03 1:01 

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