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AnswerRe: Extract text from PDF in C# using Mupdf library Pin
Ravi Bhavnani30-Jul-14 4:31
professionalRavi Bhavnani30-Jul-14 4:31 
GeneralRe: Extract text from PDF in C# using Mupdf library Pin
tmiklos6730-Jul-14 22:32
tmiklos6730-Jul-14 22:32 
QuestionRe: Extract text from PDF in C# using Mupdf library Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jul-14 5:14
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jul-14 5:14 
AnswerRe: Extract text from PDF in C# using Mupdf library Pin
tmiklos6730-Jul-14 22:25
tmiklos6730-Jul-14 22:25 
Questionwant to export to word with text color and logo image in a single doc file through c# windows application Pin
VIVEK KUMAR PAL30-Jul-14 1:14
VIVEK KUMAR PAL30-Jul-14 1:14 
QuestionRe: want to export to word with text color and logo image in a single doc file through c# windows application Pin
ZurdoDev30-Jul-14 2:01
professionalZurdoDev30-Jul-14 2:01 
AnswerRe: want to export to word with text color and logo image in a single doc file through c# windows application Pin
Dave Kreskowiak30-Jul-14 2:55
mveDave Kreskowiak30-Jul-14 2:55 
QuestionMouse event Handling [SOLVED] Pin
V.29-Jul-14 23:18
professionalV.29-Jul-14 23:18 
I have three mouse events hooked up to an image control. (MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove, MouseLeftButtonUp).
I want to draw a rectangle by click - drag - release.

The Down and move events always do the trick, but only sometimes does the MouseLeftButtonUp event fire.
I don't know why.

What could be the problem?

[EDIT]Not solved yet, but if I release very quickly after a move it works, when I'm too slow, it doesn't.[/EDIT]

This is somewhat weird. The workflow is that on MouseDown I create a Rectangle and ad it to the Canvas control.
In Mousemove I update this rectangle to follow my cursor. When I release the button, the cursor is on the Rectangle, not on the image. The solution is to add an event handler to the created rectangle and bubble it further to the image handler Smile | :) .

(MQOTD rules and previous solutions)

modified 30-Jul-14 5:41am.

AnswerRe: Mouse event Handling Pin
OriginalGriff29-Jul-14 23:35
mveOriginalGriff29-Jul-14 23:35 
GeneralRe: Mouse event Handling Pin
V.29-Jul-14 23:39
professionalV.29-Jul-14 23:39 
AnswerRe: Mouse event Handling [SOLVED] Pin
Mycroft Holmes30-Jul-14 0:20
professionalMycroft Holmes30-Jul-14 0:20 
GeneralRe: Mouse event Handling [SOLVED] Pin
V.30-Jul-14 0:24
professionalV.30-Jul-14 0:24 
QuestionGoogle Drive files and folders listing in web application using c# and Google Apis Pin
NIYAS PK29-Jul-14 20:04
NIYAS PK29-Jul-14 20:04 
AnswerRe: Google Drive files and folders listing in web application using c# and Google Apis Pin
Pete O'Hanlon29-Jul-14 20:49
mvePete O'Hanlon29-Jul-14 20:49 
QuestionWhat options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
agent15429-Jul-14 15:05
agent15429-Jul-14 15:05 
AnswerRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
PIEBALDconsult29-Jul-14 15:14
mvePIEBALDconsult29-Jul-14 15:14 
AnswerRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
SledgeHammer0129-Jul-14 18:09
SledgeHammer0129-Jul-14 18:09 
GeneralRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
Mycroft Holmes29-Jul-14 19:18
professionalMycroft Holmes29-Jul-14 19:18 
AnswerRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
Bernhard Hiller29-Jul-14 20:34
Bernhard Hiller29-Jul-14 20:34 
AnswerRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jul-14 1:33
mveRichard Deeming30-Jul-14 1:33 
AnswerRe: What options do I have for reading data from an excel spreadsheet, and what are the limitations of each? Pin
jschell31-Jul-14 9:29
jschell31-Jul-14 9:29 
Questionstack / heap assignment under the hood Pin
taking_liberties29-Jul-14 4:06
taking_liberties29-Jul-14 4:06 
AnswerRe: stack / heap assignment under the hood Pin
Simon_Whale29-Jul-14 4:29
Simon_Whale29-Jul-14 4:29 
GeneralRe: stack / heap assignment under the hood Pin
harold aptroot29-Jul-14 4:52
harold aptroot29-Jul-14 4:52 
GeneralRe: stack / heap assignment under the hood Pin
taking_liberties29-Jul-14 6:42
taking_liberties29-Jul-14 6:42 

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