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QuestionHELP Pin
Member 1094467922-Jul-14 3:20
Member 1094467922-Jul-14 3:20 
AnswerRe: HELP Pin
Ravi Bhavnani22-Jul-14 3:57
professionalRavi Bhavnani22-Jul-14 3:57 
GeneralRe: HELP Pin
Member 1094467922-Jul-14 4:07
Member 1094467922-Jul-14 4:07 
GeneralRe: HELP Pin
Ravi Bhavnani22-Jul-14 4:16
professionalRavi Bhavnani22-Jul-14 4:16 
AnswerRe: HELP Pin
Ron Nicholson22-Jul-14 4:08
professionalRon Nicholson22-Jul-14 4:08 
GeneralRe: HELP Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Jul-14 5:04
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Jul-14 5:04 
GeneralRe: HELP Pin
OriginalGriff22-Jul-14 6:19
mveOriginalGriff22-Jul-14 6:19 
AnswerRe: HELP Pin
Rob Philpott22-Jul-14 5:25
Rob Philpott22-Jul-14 5:25 
There's a fatal thing in Visual Studio. Normally when a build fails as a result of hitting F5 a little dialog pops up telling you its failed and asking if you want to run the previous version. NEVER select 'don't show this again' as it can be less that obvious that your build has failed and your running an out of date .exe.

If you've done this, that will be why and you need to trawl through the endless settings to undo it.
Rob Philpott.

GeneralRe: HELP Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-Jul-14 5:53
professionalEddy Vluggen22-Jul-14 5:53 
Questionbitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 2:48
professionalV.22-Jul-14 2:48 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Rob Philpott22-Jul-14 3:12
Rob Philpott22-Jul-14 3:12 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 3:32
professionalV.22-Jul-14 3:32 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 3:45
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 3:45 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 22:29
professionalV.22-Jul-14 22:29 
QuestionRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 22:44
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 22:44 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 22:51
professionalV.22-Jul-14 22:51 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 22:55
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 22:55 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 23:10
professionalV.22-Jul-14 23:10 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 23:21
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 23:21 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.23-Jul-14 2:05
professionalV.23-Jul-14 2:05 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter23-Jul-14 2:56
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter23-Jul-14 2:56 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 3:24
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 3:24 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 19:55
professionalV.22-Jul-14 19:55 
AnswerRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 20:06
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jul-14 20:06 
GeneralRe: bitmap lockbits/unlockbits Pin
V.22-Jul-14 20:13
professionalV.22-Jul-14 20:13 

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