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.NET (Core and Framework)

AnswerRe: How to get 32-bit .NET Framework InstallPath on a 64-bit machine? Pin
Richard Deeming10-Jun-14 6:41
mveRichard Deeming10-Jun-14 6:41 
GeneralRe: How to get 32-bit .NET Framework InstallPath on a 64-bit machine? Pin
Frank W. Wu10-Jun-14 6:50
Frank W. Wu10-Jun-14 6:50 
GeneralRe: How to get 32-bit .NET Framework InstallPath on a 64-bit machine? Pin
Richard Deeming10-Jun-14 7:03
mveRichard Deeming10-Jun-14 7:03 
Questioninsertion based on a condition Pin
Member 103249748-Jun-14 9:39
Member 103249748-Jun-14 9:39 
AnswerRe: insertion based on a condition Pin
Richard MacCutchan8-Jun-14 21:54
mveRichard MacCutchan8-Jun-14 21:54 
Question[VB.NET 2008] How to use OpenNETCF.Net.Mail? Pin
steve_94966135-Jun-14 22:57
professionalsteve_94966135-Jun-14 22:57 
AnswerRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to use OpenNETCF.Net.Mail? Pin
steve_949661329-Jun-14 23:19
professionalsteve_949661329-Jun-14 23:19 
Question[VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966134-Jun-14 4:52
professionalsteve_94966134-Jun-14 4:52 
Hello everyone,
my application is a SmartDevice application and it runs on a device with Windows Embedded Compact 7 OS, so it relies on Compact Framwork 3.5.

Here is my problem (simplified): I have two forms, in the first form there is a Textbox and when it gets focus the second form pops up (I use form2.ShowDialog()).
The second form is a little numeric keypad that I use to write numbers in the textbox of the first form. This second form has also an OK button that close the form.

Is there a way to rise the TextChanged event of the textbox in the first form from the click event of the OK button in the second form (the OK button click doesn't write anything in the textbox)?

Thanks in advance.
AnswerRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
Dave Kreskowiak4-Jun-14 7:10
mveDave Kreskowiak4-Jun-14 7:10 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966134-Jun-14 20:55
professionalsteve_94966134-Jun-14 20:55 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
Dave Kreskowiak5-Jun-14 1:42
mveDave Kreskowiak5-Jun-14 1:42 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966135-Jun-14 3:54
professionalsteve_94966135-Jun-14 3:54 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
Dave Kreskowiak5-Jun-14 4:05
mveDave Kreskowiak5-Jun-14 4:05 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966135-Jun-14 5:08
professionalsteve_94966135-Jun-14 5:08 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
DarkChuky CR27-Aug-14 11:42
DarkChuky CR27-Aug-14 11:42 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966133-Sep-14 4:05
professionalsteve_94966133-Sep-14 4:05 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
DarkChuky CR3-Sep-14 4:44
DarkChuky CR3-Sep-14 4:44 
GeneralRe: [VB.NET 2008] How to rise an event of an object in a form from another form Pin
steve_94966134-Sep-14 1:57
professionalsteve_94966134-Sep-14 1:57 
Questionunable to get property 'childnodes' of undefined or null reference Pin
Member 105519074-Jun-14 2:47
Member 105519074-Jun-14 2:47 
AnswerRe: unable to get property 'childnodes' of undefined or null reference Pin
Simon_Whale4-Jun-14 3:12
Simon_Whale4-Jun-14 3:12 
AnswerRe: unable to get property 'childnodes' of undefined or null reference Pin
jinzai17-Jul-14 12:26
jinzai17-Jul-14 12:26 
QuestionRewriting VB6 Point of Sale App in C# using Visual Studio 2013, .Net Framework 4.5.1 Pin
sgralnick3-Jun-14 10:41
sgralnick3-Jun-14 10:41 
AnswerRe: Rewriting VB6 Point of Sale App in C# using Visual Studio 2013, .Net Framework 4.5.1 Pin
CatchExAs19-Jun-14 12:28
professionalCatchExAs19-Jun-14 12:28 
AnswerRe: Rewriting VB6 Point of Sale App in C# using Visual Studio 2013, .Net Framework 4.5.1 Pin
Member 99087646-Aug-14 12:03
Member 99087646-Aug-14 12:03 
Question.Dat file Pin
jjanmendra1-Jun-14 22:03
jjanmendra1-Jun-14 22:03 

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