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.NET (Core and Framework)

GeneralMetadata Format in PE Files Pin
Mike_V21-Apr-03 3:15
Mike_V21-Apr-03 3:15 
GeneralCrystal Reports/1.1 problems Pin
rondalescott18-Apr-03 12:30
rondalescott18-Apr-03 12:30 
GeneralQuickly Implement Interface methods Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer18-Apr-03 7:04
Jamie Nordmeyer18-Apr-03 7:04 
GeneralRe: Quickly Implement Interface methods Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer18-Apr-03 7:25
Jamie Nordmeyer18-Apr-03 7:25 
QuestionTracker Rect ? Pin
deemer17-Apr-03 21:08
deemer17-Apr-03 21:08 
GeneralPackaging and Distributing .NET DLL as CAB and referring methods within the same. Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar17-Apr-03 19:51
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar17-Apr-03 19:51 
General"free" memory Pin
Andrei Matei17-Apr-03 3:17
Andrei Matei17-Apr-03 3:17 
GeneralRe: "free" memory Pin
Martin Cook25-Apr-03 9:03
professionalMartin Cook25-Apr-03 9:03 
When you declare a variable it gets created in RAM. If your available RAM is low then the system might swap some stuff to disk in order to free up some RAM, but even in that case your variable would stil reside in RAM. As far as I know you really don't have much control over that.
Generalvideo capture Pin
waleed riaz16-Apr-03 23:54
waleed riaz16-Apr-03 23:54 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
Philip Fitzsimons17-Apr-03 4:32
Philip Fitzsimons17-Apr-03 4:32 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
waleed riaz17-Apr-03 21:47
waleed riaz17-Apr-03 21:47 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
Philip Fitzsimons17-Apr-03 23:12
Philip Fitzsimons17-Apr-03 23:12 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
waleed riaz19-Apr-03 1:40
waleed riaz19-Apr-03 1:40 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
Philip Fitzsimons21-Apr-03 5:36
Philip Fitzsimons21-Apr-03 5:36 
GeneralRe: video capture Pin
waleed riaz21-Apr-03 18:51
waleed riaz21-Apr-03 18:51 
GeneralExclusive Access with .NET OLE DB Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer16-Apr-03 12:56
Jamie Nordmeyer16-Apr-03 12:56 
GeneralRe: Exclusive Access with .NET OLE DB Pin
Mike Dimmick16-Apr-03 23:31
Mike Dimmick16-Apr-03 23:31 
GeneralRe: Exclusive Access with .NET OLE DB Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer17-Apr-03 5:31
Jamie Nordmeyer17-Apr-03 5:31 
GeneralReading RSA key from File Pin
Heath Stewart15-Apr-03 4:53
protectorHeath Stewart15-Apr-03 4:53 
QuestionCan I design a webserivce with c#,now I want use it with c++ and webservice have session state Pin
wxdwxd13-Apr-03 16:55
wxdwxd13-Apr-03 16:55 
GeneralCan't 'design' UserControl Pin
moredip13-Apr-03 4:01
moredip13-Apr-03 4:01 
GeneralRe: Can't 'design' UserControl Pin
Roger Alsing22-Apr-03 23:21
Roger Alsing22-Apr-03 23:21 
GeneralRe: Can't 'design' UserControl Pin
moredip23-Apr-03 0:24
moredip23-Apr-03 0:24 
Generalinitial validation of controls Pin
moredip12-Apr-03 14:17
moredip12-Apr-03 14:17 
GeneralRe: initial validation of controls Pin
Sumeet Rattan17-Apr-03 2:33
Sumeet Rattan17-Apr-03 2:33 

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