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GeneralRe: how to updat a column from start point Pin
mhd.sbt20-May-14 17:47
mhd.sbt20-May-14 17:47 
GeneralRe: how to updat a column from start point Pin
Mycroft Holmes20-May-14 19:54
professionalMycroft Holmes20-May-14 19:54 
AnswerRe: how to updat a column from start point Pin
NitinDhapte16-Jun-14 3:08
NitinDhapte16-Jun-14 3:08 
QuestionUpdate DB Table based on another temp Table data Pin
Sachin k Rajput 19-May-14 4:11
Sachin k Rajput 19-May-14 4:11 
AnswerRe: Update DB Table based on another temp Table data Pin
PIEBALDconsult19-May-14 12:22
mvePIEBALDconsult19-May-14 12:22 
Questionweird scenario after executing prepared statement mysql Pin
Gilbert Consellado15-May-14 23:15
professionalGilbert Consellado15-May-14 23:15 
AnswerRe: weird scenario after executing prepared statement mysql Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter17-May-14 8:21
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter17-May-14 8:21 
GeneralRe: weird scenario after executing prepared statement mysql Pin
Gilbert Consellado21-May-14 23:53
professionalGilbert Consellado21-May-14 23:53 
actually I am using workbench and sqlyog for browsing the database.

executing insert or delete, ExecuteNonQuery return the expected number of rows to be affected on the console, but when i look on the database the affected rows is not there. even i will execute directly it to workbench or sqlyog i got the same behavior.
QuestionJoin Query returning duplicated rows Pin
devenv.exe15-May-14 23:13
professionaldevenv.exe15-May-14 23:13 
AnswerRe: Join Query returning duplicated rows Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-May-14 13:20
professionalMycroft Holmes16-May-14 13:20 
AnswerRe: Join Query returning duplicated rows Pin
NitinDhapte6-Jun-14 23:07
NitinDhapte6-Jun-14 23:07 
QuestionTranspose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 4:52
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 4:52 
AnswerRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Corporal Agarn13-May-14 5:46
professionalCorporal Agarn13-May-14 5:46 
GeneralRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 21:11
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 21:11 
AnswerRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Mycroft Holmes13-May-14 12:53
professionalMycroft Holmes13-May-14 12:53 
GeneralRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 21:04
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 21:04 
GeneralRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Mycroft Holmes13-May-14 21:30
professionalMycroft Holmes13-May-14 21:30 
GeneralRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 22:27
Davidemazzuuu13-May-14 22:27 
GeneralRe: Transpose multiple rows into multiple columns in SQL Server Pin
Member 1026233013-May-14 21:34
Member 1026233013-May-14 21:34 
QuestionSQL Server 2012 Cube Build failing. Pin
rnbergren12-May-14 9:52
rnbergren12-May-14 9:52 
QuestionAccess DB Pin
Zeyad Jalil11-May-14 19:45
professionalZeyad Jalil11-May-14 19:45 
AnswerRe: Access DB Pin
Bernhard Hiller11-May-14 22:30
Bernhard Hiller11-May-14 22:30 
AnswerRe: Access DB Pin
sankarsan parida12-May-14 19:33
professionalsankarsan parida12-May-14 19:33 
Questionhow to return primary key when insert statement violates unique constraint Pin
Nico Haegens10-May-14 7:21
professionalNico Haegens10-May-14 7:21 
AnswerRe: how to return primary key when insert statement violates unique constraint Pin
PIEBALDconsult10-May-14 7:44
mvePIEBALDconsult10-May-14 7:44 

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