Mike Dimmick wrote:
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies
is not a place to put your own assemblies. That's a place where the .NET run-time put his own assemblies.
In fact, you can create a registry key under HKLM \ Microsoft \ .NETFramework \ AssemblyFolders. All the keys at this level are places taken automatically into account, ie the user does not need to explicitely browse.
Hey how do i debug an assembly which is referenced from my asp.net application and how to debug an assembly which is referenced from another assembly.
Venkatraman Kalyanam
Chennai - India
"Being Excellent is not a skill, it is an attitude"
In VB6 you used to be able to have strings that had embedded nulls. I can't seem to find this functionality in the .Net Frame work. My problem is I have binary data that I need to convert into a string in order to hand that data to a ActiveX COM control. However, after I convert the data over to a string in .Net I loose all of the string past the first null.
I must be missing something. Is there a way around this
Forever Developing
Nicholas Cardi wrote:
My problem is I have binary data that I need to convert into a string in order to hand that data to a ActiveX COM control
I would directly marshall the byte array to a BSTR. (MarshalAs attribute).
How can I find the names and/or IPs of the computers on my LAN (the ones that I see in Explorer)? Please help, I really don't have a clue...
Thanks a lot!
Andrei Matei
use Active Dirctory or
use System.Net or
use LDAP queries or
use System.Net.Dns or
How can I find the names and/or IPs of the computers on my LAN (the ones that I see in Explorer)? Please help, I really don't have a clue...
Thanks a lot!
Andrei Matei
I need to use Summary Comments and generate a NDOC Documentation for my ASP.NET C# Web application. I have the following problem.
Should I need to put comments to even Protected declarations in CodeBehind. If that is the case, then the program size seems to be swelling like anything with comments only. But if I don't give it, Compiler is giving warning messages like
'Missing XML comment for...'
How to configure the Documentation Warning and settings in VS.NET?
Please also advise some sites that throw more light on .NET Documentation Tags and Usage.
Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
I know that I have done this before, controling howe the output-xml is formated.
The default i:
But I want it to be:
<table col1="val" col2="val">
<table col1="val" col2="val">
What is the property to set ????
What do you think of writing an article about controlling Microsoft Word Document from ASP.NET ?
Could it be an interesting article for someone ?
I had to build a Microsoft Word document with asp.net and now I have what it's needed for an article.
Tell me your ideas, please.
Hi cpians,
I have a program where :
The form creates a class then calls a method on that class, in this method I create a new thread to call another method in that class (which calls a webservice which is why I want it in another thread) .
Once the original method returns I call thread.sleep on the main thread so that I can ensure that the webservice call has completed (this is just for test purposes in the real world the program would go on regardless)
Problem is the call to thread.sleep causes my other thread, which should be going about its business un-interupted to pause.
Whats the vibe, when I tested it a few days ago Im sure it wasnt doing this ?
Thanks in advance.
I'm working on a Web Services consummer application for Windows and Pocket PC.
I meet a problem :
I get images from a database in a byte array :
myStream = System.IO.MemoryStream(myByteArray)
then I rebuild images with :
myImage = Image.FromFile(myStream)
It works on desktop
But on PPC, the FromFile method doesn't exist !!! Does anybody know how to convert some bytearray into image with the Compact Framework in C#.
thanks a lot !!
Am I going mad or was there an article on CP a few days ago that included a .NET-written application for viewing all cookies on a user's machine? I've searched all over and cannot find this article.
Tom Archer, Inside C#
Mainstream is just a word for the way things always have been -- just a middle-of-the-road, tow-the-line thing; a front for the Man serving up the same warmed-over slop he did yesterday and expecting you to say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
I make a web service, and the ws export this method:
String __gc* Class1::GetString()
String *s;
s=new String("<root>Esto es una prueba>/Root>");
return s;
}//String __gc* Class1::GetString()
When "Invoke" wiith internet explorer, this is the result:
<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<root>Esto es una prueba
But, I want to modify this result:
<root>Esto es una prueba
How I do this, using Visual c++.NET
I just delevop a project using webservice,there are more than one webservice(.asmx file) in my project,how do i write the .disco file to let me refer these webservices
in other project?
thank u in advance!
I've seen some applications that apparently take a small screen shot of the are around your mouse cursor when you begin a drag operation, and rather than change your cursor to the default Windows drag cursor, show that bitmap following your cursor. Are there any samples either here on Code Project (that I'm just missing, because I did look first), or else where of how to do something like that? I'm sure that once I see it, I'll kick myself, but right now, I just can't think how to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA
Little Background:
I have a customer class with 2 properties (FirstName and LastName). On the set of the FirstName property I have code that will not allow the name to be longer than 35 characters, if it is the property throws an exception. This works fine...
Here's the problem:
I have a textbox that I databind to the Customer Firstname property. This displays correctly and binds correctly. But when I enter a value that causes the Customer FirstName property to throw and exception I can't catch the exception and display a message to the user. Instead the textbox will not let me leave until it is fixed.
Is there a way to catch the exception that the underlying Class throws?
Mediajuggle - Design House Quality At Freelance Prices
I have had this problem before. I don't remember how I solved it...but, if you are still having trouble with this in a couple of days, then email me and I will dig through my old files.
Jon Fitzgerald
The way I solved the problem was by overriding the OnValidating method of the textbox. It works but it is not the most elegant solution, does this sound familar?
Mediajuggle - Design House Quality At Freelance Prices
I have problem with calling websevice method Asyncronously using WebService behavior. I can not make more than two request simultaneously to webservice. If I call webservice method 3rd time, it won't event go to web service until response of 1st or 2nd is received.
But if I use the same web service in a windows application using Proxy. I can invoke web service method any number of times Asyncronously without waiting for response for the pervious calls.
Does anyone know why its behaving like this? Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Sanjeev Kumar wrote:
If I call webservice method 3rd time, it won't event go to web service until response of 1st or 2nd is received.
Is it possible that the web server only has 2 threads handling requests from users?
The problem is not on the WebService, it's on the client. On the client, check the System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit, it defaults to 2. Does this number raises an "A-HA" on you?
It's not the fall that kills you: it's the sudden stop - Down by Law, Jim Jamursch (1986)
Then, why it works with windows application?
How to check ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit in ASP Application ?
Sanjeev Kumar wrote:
Then, why it works with windows application?
Because probably you are passing through a proxy, which only supports HTTP/1.0 forwarding, and in this case, the default connection limit is 4.
Check the documentation for ServicePointManager.DefaultPersistentConnectionLimit and ServicePointManager.DefaultNonPersistentConnectionLimit to see this difference.
Sanjeev Kumar wrote:
How to check ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit in ASP Application ?
Just print the damn thing!
It's not the fall that kills you: it's the sudden stop - Down by Law, Jim Jamursch (1986)
I had written few articles for a major publishing company which unfortunately went out of business. I put together a website to publish these myself. The code samples are all in C#. Please check it out:
Madhuri Mittal