You do know that the QA forum is relatively new don't you? For years, this forum did the job perfectly well. The intent of this forum was always intended to be the back and forth, as was best suited to by a forum format, where the thread can build out the answer.
Pete O'Hanlon wrote: the QA forum is relatively new Hi Pete,
I joined CP exactly one year before you did, but I have such great respect for you that I'd pick your view of CP's Forums' history and QA's inception over mine ! You have been a "prime mover" on CP, in my eyes, while I regard my walk-on role as that of a "spear-carrier in the third act" who often speaks-in-tongues when he's supposed to be: silent
If you tell me that you think I am doing a "bad thing" by advising people here to post on Q&A, and you don't share my view about what's happened with this forum, and Q&A, I will certainly re-evaluate my views, and very likely change my behavior. I wonder if, in your eyes, my advising people to post on Q&A, as I think appropriate, is kind of a presumptuous act on my part, a kind of lese majeste ?
But, may I ask: isn't the reason you gave (a while back) for your own withdrawal from Q&A provide evidence that you think the "system," as is, may need to be changed.
Perhaps changed, not because it is "broken," but, changed, because times have changed, the membership of CP has grown exponentially, and different modes of member behavior have emerged.
I remember this forum as a place, long ago, where substantial discussions of bigger-picture aspects of C# were discussed in depth.
Perhaps I am (as Rene Dubos, in his book, "The Mirage of Health" describes, a la Rousseau) imagining this forum had "golden age" in which humanity was more "noble," and lived "at one" with nature ?
In any case, please be assured that your opinions are valued, and will be heeded, after careful consideration.
In fact, as of now, I will no longer advise anyone on CP to post on Q&A.
yours, Bill
Google CEO, Erich Schmidt: "I keep asking for a product called Serendipity. This product would have access to everything ever written or recorded, know everything the user ever worked on and saved to his or her personal hard drive, and know a whole lot about the user's tastes, friends and predilections." 2004, USA Today interview
BillWoodruff wrote: But, may I ask: isn't the reason you gave (a while back) for your own withdrawal from Q&A provide evidence that you think the "system," as is, may need to be changed.
My withdrawal from Q and A had more to do with the personalities and ego crashing that do the rounds there. While the forums can occassionally bring out the jerk in people, this seems to be a much more common feature in QA. I do not like the fact that people have taken it as a playground to put others down, and the fact that someone does not ask a perfect question the first time round should not lead to them being told they have asked the wrong question, or that they are stupid, or any one of a hundred other things guaranteed to put people off CP.
The beauty of the forums, is that if someone doesn't ask a perfect question, or more information is needed, the thread view easily allows for that expansion of the idea so that people can see how questions evolve to their answers, and this can be an invaluable aid. Saying that, the forums aren't perfect, and there is a place for QA - and I admire people like yourself and OG for continuing to fight the good fight over it. (BTW - as to the creation of QA, I remember the bitter arguments Luc had with Chris when QA came into existence - QA being part of the reason, I believe, that Luc left our little fold).
BillWoodruff wrote: my esteemed colleague Dave K
"Esteemed colleague"?? Crap, now I have to act respectable.
Great job on the answer!
Uhh, homie, nah, man: respectable ? ... I ain't down 'wid that. I got to throw my old bones to some dawg, because they creakin' mighty on me; ain't hardly no use in 'em nowadays. You be a grand organ, man, playing formal to kinky pushin' and pullin' all yo' stops: thass yo' thang.
Google CEO, Erich Schmidt: "I keep asking for a product called Serendipity. This product would have access to everything ever written or recorded, know everything the user ever worked on and saved to his or her personal hard drive, and know a whole lot about the user's tastes, friends and predilections." 2004, USA Today interview
protected void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(textBox1.Text.Length > 0)
textBox1.Text = textbox1.Text.TrimStart(' ', '');
The problem with your answer is that it's not reusable and doesn't account for other whitespace characters that may not be acceptable, like Tab.
If you wanted to do this for multiple textboxes, you would have to add this code for each and every textbox. It's FAR better just to make your own TextBox that has this functionality.
You could place this code in the TextChanged event or OnKeyDown event (or you could use it whenever you want)
string myString = textBox1.Text.TrimStart()
or even straight to the point
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.TrimStart()
smh1392 wrote: I want to not allow at Space the First of TextBox Talk about a time-waster.
Not worth the money nor the effort. Especially not if it becomes a dirty hack that causes more pain to the user than it's bringing back in benefits.
If you "need" the functionality, then "correct" the data when saving, not when the user is editing.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
I realized that MC did not create any Sound-Management Class, so
I don't know how to check which sound-output device is currently activated [standard-device, Not standardcommunication-device].
Are there extern libraries / classes that support my asked feature?
urgent need of online hotel managment project in .net if anybody have online hotel managment projectin .net then send me on following email id : chundavatteena@gmail.com pls guys send me project urgent chiye
- We're volunteers
- It's not urgent to me
- Nobody is going to "give away" complete projects
- Posting your mail address on a board is an invitation for spam bots
- Don't use text-speak
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
urgent - need 100 million dollars.
Send me that and I will send you the hotel management project.
I'll do it for $995000 USD! Although I won't be quite as urgent.
I'll do it for $995450, but I also offer a free iFad
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Hah, I'll do it for peanuts, farm it out to elance/rentacode/whoever. The OP gets what they deserve and I get something to nibble on with my beer.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Try something and then post your questions here.
Quick now: send me the database of the hotel's bookings of the last five-years: type of room, floor, room number, and, per booking: nationality of guests, cost per night, how many nights, number and type of items consumed from in-room refrigerator, room-service bills, phone bills, etc.
And, send me the detailed architectural design plans for the hotel. And, the database on elevator usage, maintenance, and repair costs, per elevator for the last five years. I will also need video of activity in the parking lot(s) of the hotel for at least two years.
And, the database for the last five years of hotel employees with title, length of service, type of occupation, compensation per month, bonuses, days off, sick-leave days, taxes withheld, etc.
And the database for the operational costs of the hotel exclusive of employee salaries: supplies, advertising, maintenance and refurbishing, insurance coverage ... for at least five years.
I estimate I can have your project for you in three hours.
Google CEO, Erich Schmidt: "I keep asking for a product called Serendipity. This product would have access to everything ever written or recorded, know everything the user ever worked on and saved to his or her personal hard drive, and know a whole lot about the user's tastes, friends and predilections." 2004, USA Today interview
What no restaurant and catering!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Adding restaurant, catering, health-club, etc., will bump up the ship-date to 4 hours.
In the interests of good taste, I will not describe here the other "operational costs" and revenue-streams the hotel may have if it were in Thailand.
Google CEO, Erich Schmidt: "I keep asking for a product called Serendipity. This product would have access to everything ever written or recorded, know everything the user ever worked on and saved to his or her personal hard drive, and know a whole lot about the user's tastes, friends and predilections." 2004, USA Today interview
This is the code that is working for me:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using tessnet2;
namespace OCR
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
string path = @"D:\timessquaretif.tif";
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(path);
Tesseract ocr = new Tesseract();
ocr.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789");
ocr.Init(@"C:\TEMP\tessdata\tessdata", "eng", false);
List<tessnet2.Word> result = ocr.DoOCR(image, Rectangle.Empty);
foreach (tessnet2.Word word in result)
listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} : {1}", word.Confidence, word.Text));
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
The problem is that in the listBox i see many numbers and near them words letters and chars.
In the image tiff one im using with my code there is on the bottom a Date and Time for example: September 5,13 | 6:06am
How can i extract only the date and time so in the listBox i will see on one line: September 5,13 6:06am or September 5 13 6:06am
Any ideas ?
chocolade wrote: Any ideas ? Yes, how about trying a "Tessnet2"-specific forum?
This is generic C#, there's probably not much people with experience in a specific OCR-package. FWIW, I'd assume that it lists a range of characters it "thinks" it detects, paired with a certainty. You'd need to consult their documentation to verify that though.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Hi, I am developing a C# based desktop application which has GUI developed using WPF.
My application has some SQLite database where I save users data.
1) Now I want to place this database in the Cloud so that if user lost it in local device, it can be fetched from cloud from anywhere.
2) Every time whenever local database changed it should be synchronized with data which is there in Cloud. i.e., there should be bidirectional synchronization.
Now I have two options. One is Windows Azure and other is Microsoft Sync Framework.
Please tell me which one I can go for now?
Though Windows Azure is not free, I can go for it. But is it useful?
Since my application is C#/WPF desktop application, can I go with Azure?
Any help please?