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GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:47
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:47 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Brisingr Aerowing25-Jul-13 10:28
professionalBrisingr Aerowing25-Jul-13 10:28 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:48
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:48 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 10:40
mveDave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 10:40 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
N8tiv25-Jul-13 12:00
N8tiv25-Jul-13 12:00 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 15:55
mveDave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 15:55 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
N8tiv20-Aug-13 9:01
N8tiv20-Aug-13 9:01 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak20-Aug-13 9:33
mveDave Kreskowiak20-Aug-13 9:33 
Properties are just little bits of code that gets/sets a value or reference. You access them the exact same way no matter what the class exposing them is. Why use properties at all?? Property "setters" can be written to validate the value being passed in before it's used by the object. They can also be used to kick off other pieces of code, usually depending on the value being passed in.

Every class exposes it's own set of properties and methods. What each one does is explained in the documentation for that class.

For example, the String class, docs are here[^], only exposes two properties itself, Chars and Length.

I don't really know what your having a problem with.

GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
N8tiv20-Aug-13 9:52
N8tiv20-Aug-13 9:52 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak20-Aug-13 13:49
mveDave Kreskowiak20-Aug-13 13:49 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:49
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:49 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak26-Jul-13 2:27
mveDave Kreskowiak26-Jul-13 2:27 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 2:19
Blubbo26-Jul-13 2:19 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
PIEBALDconsult25-Jul-13 14:16
mvePIEBALDconsult25-Jul-13 14:16 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:50
Blubbo26-Jul-13 1:50 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Dave Kreskowiak26-Jul-13 2:35
mveDave Kreskowiak26-Jul-13 2:35 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
OriginalGriff25-Jul-13 21:39
mveOriginalGriff25-Jul-13 21:39 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Blubbo26-Jul-13 4:38
Blubbo26-Jul-13 4:38 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
PIEBALDconsult26-Jul-13 7:55
mvePIEBALDconsult26-Jul-13 7:55 
GeneralRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Jul-13 22:26
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Jul-13 22:26 
AnswerRe: Acquiring a property value Pin
coolcat22731-Jul-13 11:29
coolcat22731-Jul-13 11:29 
QuestionPower management hybernation is causing my application to hang ... Pin
turbosupramk325-Jul-13 2:50
turbosupramk325-Jul-13 2:50 
AnswerRe: Power management hybernation is causing my application to hang ... Pin
turbosupramk326-Jul-13 3:47
turbosupramk326-Jul-13 3:47 
Questionusing System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch in an Button_Click Event: unusual results in specific test case Pin
BillWoodruff25-Jul-13 0:55
professionalBillWoodruff25-Jul-13 0:55 
AnswerRe: using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch in an Button_Click Event: unusual results in specific test case Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 1:15
mveDave Kreskowiak25-Jul-13 1:15 

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