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GeneralRe: gridview inside gridview with update delete Pin
Dholakiya Ankit2-Sep-13 0:35
Dholakiya Ankit2-Sep-13 0:35 
GeneralRe: gridview inside gridview with update delete Pin
vipulparmar902-Sep-13 18:49
vipulparmar902-Sep-13 18:49 
GeneralRe: gridview inside gridview with update delete Pin
vipulparmar901-Sep-13 19:20
vipulparmar901-Sep-13 19:20 
QuestionNeed advice - Designing ASP application Pin
Boipelo3-Aug-13 5:14
Boipelo3-Aug-13 5:14 
AnswerRe: Need advice - Designing ASP application Pin
Boipelo5-Aug-13 4:11
Boipelo5-Aug-13 4:11 
GeneralRe: Need advice - Designing ASP application Pin
AnalogNerd5-Aug-13 5:33
AnalogNerd5-Aug-13 5:33 
GeneralRe: Need advice - Designing ASP application Pin
Boipelo5-Aug-13 6:03
Boipelo5-Aug-13 6:03 application css issue Pin
kulldeep verma3-Aug-13 4:26
kulldeep verma3-Aug-13 4:26 
I am designing a web based form . In which I used 11 panel controls . By Default 4 of them are hidden. Inside the panel control I have created 10R ,6 C layout table . Column 1 and 4 is having texts and 2 and 5th column is haing control like texbox ,Dropdown list etc .

My problem is I have create css to manage width and color .
But all panels are not align properly however i am using same css class for all .

Please guide .
AnswerRe: application css issue Pin
jkirkerx3-Aug-13 12:40
professionaljkirkerx3-Aug-13 12:40 
AnswerRe: application css issue Pin
Dholakiya Ankit7-Aug-13 20:02
Dholakiya Ankit7-Aug-13 20:02 
Questiononline model Pin
durgesh j2-Aug-13 20:34
durgesh j2-Aug-13 20:34 
AnswerRe: online model Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-13 22:00
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-13 22:00 
AnswerRe: online model Pin
Ajay 101865622-Aug-13 23:03
professionalAjay 101865622-Aug-13 23:03 
QuestionMathematical, Physics and Chemistry Symbols tools for ASP.NET Pin
Olamiji Akeem Odeyemi2-Aug-13 2:29
Olamiji Akeem Odeyemi2-Aug-13 2:29 
Questionneed help Pin
snehal1222-Aug-13 1:54
snehal1222-Aug-13 1:54 
AnswerRe: need help Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-13 3:08
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-13 3:08, javascript : Textbox issue with chrome and firefox. pls help me out Pin
christhuxavier2-Aug-13 1:12
christhuxavier2-Aug-13 1:12 
AnswerRe:, javascript : Textbox issue with chrome and firefox. pls help me out Pin
Parwej Ahamad2-Aug-13 7:07
professionalParwej Ahamad2-Aug-13 7:07 
AnswerRe:, javascript : Textbox issue with chrome and firefox. pls help me out Pin
Dholakiya Ankit10-Sep-13 0:51
Dholakiya Ankit10-Sep-13 0:51 
QuestionDisplaying images using image controller in which was retrived from sql server database Pin
Rajeev Krishna1-Aug-13 6:12
Rajeev Krishna1-Aug-13 6:12 
AnswerRe: Displaying images using image controller in which was retrived from sql server database Pin
Rajeev Krishna2-Aug-13 1:35
Rajeev Krishna2-Aug-13 1:35 
AnswerRe: Displaying images using image controller in which was retrived from sql server database Pin
Dholakiya Ankit7-Aug-13 21:28
Dholakiya Ankit7-Aug-13 21:28 
QuestionGenerate PDF documents from a HTML page using ASP.NET Pin
GopalakrishnanPS31-Jul-13 21:12
GopalakrishnanPS31-Jul-13 21:12 
AnswerRe: Generate PDF documents from a HTML page using ASP.NET Pin
Parwej Ahamad31-Jul-13 21:50
professionalParwej Ahamad31-Jul-13 21:50 
AnswerRe: Generate PDF documents from a HTML page using ASP.NET Pin
Bernhard Hiller31-Jul-13 22:35
Bernhard Hiller31-Jul-13 22:35 

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