I have an old Borland C++ project that displayed a 16 x 16 group of labels displaying 0x00 to 0xFF for the purpose of diagnostics.
I am now using MicroSoft Visual Studio 2010 C++
I am having a problem creating an array of labels at runtime that the labels are accessable by other routines such as a timer interval routine
<pre lang="c++">
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
namespace SerialTester {
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
/// <summary>
/// Summary for Form1
int count;
int tindex;
/// </summary>
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
count = 0;
tindex = 0;
char buffer[200];
array< Label ^ > ^ labels;
labels = gcnew array<Label^>(256);
for (int index = 0; index < 256; ++index)
Label ^ label = gcnew Label;
labels[index] = label;
/// <summary>
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
labels[tindex++]->BackColor = ....... ; }
So when I create the form I created an array of 256 Labels at runtime, labels[x] but in the timer1_Tick I can not access them because the array is not global.
QUESTION: How can I do this, should my creation be somewheres else so that it is global.
Any help from anyone would be greatly appriciated.
Or a link to a tutorial on this.
Thank you in advance
modified 31-Mar-13 18:38pm.
Please don't post the same question in multiple places; you already posted this in the Managed C++ forum.
Use the best guess
Sorry not sure which section or fourm applies.
After not getting a response in one I thought perhaps the other was more appropiate.
Are you able to offer anything to the problem or am I simply on the wrong site.
Thank in advance
Douglas Kirk wrote: not getting a response
You need to be patient.
Thank you
I am trying to delete this thread, but will have to try later on my other machine
I will continue to watch on the other board
Douglas Kirk wrote: delete this thread
I don't think you can delete it after is has replies.
Just wondering where would I post/share example code/project to share with others? i.e. I have a WIP thing I've done that's not professional but I'd like to share, so not sure if I'd post it as an article or is there somewhere more appropriate.
EDIT: code/project is c++/MFC/OpenGL based, hence why I'm asking here.
You could probably post it as a Tip/Trick.
Articles --> "Submit an article or tip"
the Magician
May I know how can I take control of other app using my own program in vc++.
Eg: do a "scroll up" in browser ; open MS Word and save; perform "next/previous" in window photo viewer.. etc
There's either ShellExecute (to launch apps), or the more sophisticated method of using COM/COM+ automation. (formerly known as OLE)
"It's true that hard work never killed anyone. But I figure, why take the chance." - Ronald Reagan
That's what machines are for.
Got a problem?
Sleep on it.
how about pressing a hotkey combination (eg: CTRL+S for save)?
The classic way os to do a PostMessage() (Or SendMessage()) for which you need tohe window handle of the receiving app and thw WM_COMAND value of te controll you want to manipulate.
You can also do some surprisingly nifty stuff with windows hooks (look at SetWindowsHookEx()) if you want total control of another app.
Nothing to say.
Hey guys!
I'm tryng to learn C++ and I think that I would learn a bit better if I had someone to help me learn, mentor me. I wasn't sure if anyone here had the time and drive to help me out.
When it comes to coding, I'm a pretty quick learner. And I'm finding that a lot of companies want people who know C++.
If this is possible, that would be great!
Thanks for your time.
Thank you! I will check these out for sure.
What are some of the shell API's that allow me to retrieve the various properties of a .lnk file?
Properties such as the target file, and maybe the compatibility settings.
This link gives all the info: Shell Links[^]
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Could some learned guru explain to me why is passing a file (path) to this DirectShow "method" so convoluted?
Here is the definition in DirectShow, the variable is “LPCWSTR”:
( long pointer char wide string ????)
HRESULT AddSourceFilter(
[in] LPCWSTR lpwstrFileName,
[in] LPCWSTR lpwstrFilterName,
[out] IBaseFilter **ppFilter
Here is may attempt to use it, per MS documentation, but it fails:
hr = pGraph->AddSourceFilter( L"I:\\Briefcase OpenLW\\0 tcc_mdi\\V1\\TCC_MDI_1\\OpenCamera\\DirectShow_test.txt",
L"Source", &pSourceF);
<b>I have not check the return the value of hr , not yet.</b>
Here is another usage in dvapp ( SDK 8.1)
HRESULT CDVGraph::MakeFileToDvGraph_Type1(TCHAR* InputFileName)
m_iGraphType = GRAPH_FILE_TO_DV;
USES_CONVERSION; <b>// did I missed this ??</b>
// Add the file as source filter to the graph
hr = m_pGraph->AddSourceFilter(T2W (InputFileName ), T2W(InputFileName), &m_pInputFileFilter);
CHECK_ERROR( TEXT(" CDVGraph::MakeFileToDvGraph_Type1::m_pGraph->AddSourceFilter failed."), hr);
The macro T2W is eventually defined in ATL:
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define T2A W2A
#define A2T A2W
inline LPWSTR T2W(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR W2T(LPWSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2CA W2CA
#define A2CT A2CW
inline LPCWSTR T2CW(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR W2CT(LPCWSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2W A2W
#define W2T W2A
inline LPSTR T2A(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR A2T(LPSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2CW A2CW
#define W2CT W2CA
inline LPCSTR T2CA(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR A2CT(LPCSTR lp) { return lp; }
Is this really enhancing the language or just adds / use more memory?
Cheers Vaclav
There is nothing convoluted about it, it is merely trying to allow for different cases, whether the source parameters are in Unicode or ASCII.
Use the best guess
OK , I got the DirectShow to "play" an image from a camera in right splitter view of my MFC application. Now I need to capture a single frame and process it in differet splitter pane.
So if I can grab a frame , convert it to bitmap and than to OpenCV image I'be all set.
AFter finding ISamplerGrabber I also found this nice note included in MS documentation about ISampleGrabber.
Are these MS guys for real?
I sure hate to use something they do not support in next month.
<b>Note [Deprecated. This API may be removed from future releases of Windows.]</b>
Vaclav_Sal wrote: Deprecated. This API may be removed from future releases of Windows. A fairly common note in the MSDN documentation. It's just warning you that this may not be the best option.
Use the best guess
and really, it's implied just by virtue of being an MS product.
Use the best guess