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GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 0:56
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 0:56 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Richard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 1:01
mveRichard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 1:01 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 1:18
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 1:18 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Richard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 1:35
mveRichard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 1:35 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 1:46
Sachin k Rajput 1-Feb-13 1:46 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Richard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 2:35
mveRichard MacCutchan1-Feb-13 2:35 
GeneralRe: Bitmap creation from a buffer recived Pin
Jibesh1-Feb-13 8:03
professionalJibesh1-Feb-13 8:03 
QuestionMFC and printing Pin
Argonia31-Jan-13 5:43
professionalArgonia31-Jan-13 5:43 
Hello everybody i have a small question , not big enough for the quick answers Smile | :) . I am working on a MFC project a little bit old. And i had to add a header to the print result. My problem was with the font Size. After some tries i found the really useful Article about Printing trics. The problem was when i used
PrinterFont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(12, dc->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);

Printing was ok but the PrintPreview wasnt. The font size was still small and i know why the GetDeviceCaps was returning the dpi of the monitor. This was understandable . After some digging in the code i found that for the rest printed text the font size was calculated a little bit different. For the font Height was taken the absolute value of the height multiplied by the zoom and all divided by some constant. My question is is there some practice about that kind of calculation . To be honest i don't think its a good idea to use it. I don't believe that all printers will print the same thing. But the PrintPreview and the Print result are pretty much the same.
What do you think ?
Thank youSmile | :)
AnswerRe: MFC and printing Pin
SujayG1-Feb-13 16:21
SujayG1-Feb-13 16:21 
QuestionMFC Smart Device App with Visual C++ in Visual Std 2008 Pin
sefaonline31-Jan-13 3:09
sefaonline31-Jan-13 3:09 
AnswerRe: MFC Smart Device App with Visual C++ in Visual Std 2008 Pin
Richard MacCutchan31-Jan-13 3:45
mveRichard MacCutchan31-Jan-13 3:45 
Questionunable to register COM dll 64 bit Pin
john563231-Jan-13 2:12
john563231-Jan-13 2:12 
AnswerRe: unable to register COM dll 64 bit Pin
«_Superman_»1-Feb-13 16:59
professional«_Superman_»1-Feb-13 16:59 
QuestionPlay Media File Pin
john563230-Jan-13 19:38
john563230-Jan-13 19:38 
AnswerRe: Play Media File Pin
_Flaviu30-Jan-13 21:47
_Flaviu30-Jan-13 21:47 
GeneralRe: Play Media File Pin
john563231-Jan-13 1:07
john563231-Jan-13 1:07 
AnswerRe: Play Media File Pin
jeron131-Jan-13 4:28
jeron131-Jan-13 4:28 
GeneralRe: Play Media File Pin
john563231-Jan-13 17:09
john563231-Jan-13 17:09 
GeneralRe: Play Media File Pin
jeron11-Feb-13 7:27
jeron11-Feb-13 7:27 
GeneralRe: Play Media File Pin
merano1-Feb-13 14:11
merano1-Feb-13 14:11 
QuestionTCP Server: Render the image on server side Pin
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 1:29
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 1:29 
AnswerRe: TCP Server: Render the image on server side Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jan-13 3:01
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jan-13 3:01 
GeneralRe: TCP Server: Render the image on server side Pin
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 16:44
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 16:44 
GeneralRe: TCP Server: Render the image on server side Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jan-13 21:52
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jan-13 21:52 
GeneralRe: TCP Server: Render the image on server side Pin
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 22:53
Sachin k Rajput 30-Jan-13 22:53 

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