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C / C++ / MFC

Questionwhere can download comment macro? Pin
yu-jian28-Jan-13 15:36
yu-jian28-Jan-13 15:36 
AnswerRe: where can download comment macro? Pin
Jibesh28-Jan-13 19:48
professionalJibesh28-Jan-13 19:48 
QuestionFilter the EN_KILLFOCUS message from CIPAddressCtrl Pin
zhangyoung28-Jan-13 14:53
zhangyoung28-Jan-13 14:53 
AnswerRe: Filter the EN_KILLFOCUS message from CIPAddressCtrl Pin
Code-o-mat28-Jan-13 22:27
Code-o-mat28-Jan-13 22:27 
GeneralRe: Filter the EN_KILLFOCUS message from CIPAddressCtrl Pin
zhangyoung29-Jan-13 3:04
zhangyoung29-Jan-13 3:04 
GeneralRe: Filter the EN_KILLFOCUS message from CIPAddressCtrl Pin
Code-o-mat29-Jan-13 3:13
Code-o-mat29-Jan-13 3:13 
QuestionHow to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
Kiran Satish27-Jan-13 16:40
Kiran Satish27-Jan-13 16:40 
QuestionRe: How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
CPallini27-Jan-13 22:38
mveCPallini27-Jan-13 22:38 
AVI is a video file, that is a sequence of frames (and possibly related audio). If you have pixel intensity then you have one frame. Am I missing something?
Veni, vidi, vici.

AnswerRe: How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
Kiran Satish28-Jan-13 4:42
Kiran Satish28-Jan-13 4:42 
AnswerRe: How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
Chris Losinger28-Jan-13 5:10
professionalChris Losinger28-Jan-13 5:10 
AnswerRe: How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
Vaclav_28-Jan-13 9:50
Vaclav_28-Jan-13 9:50 
AnswerRe: How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data? Pin
Shaheed Legion26-Feb-13 5:51
Shaheed Legion26-Feb-13 5:51 
QuestionWaveInOpen() returns error code 11 Pin
AmbiguousName26-Jan-13 3:14
AmbiguousName26-Jan-13 3:14 
AnswerRe: WaveInOpen() returns error code 11 Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Jan-13 3:28
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Jan-13 3:28 
QuestionStuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Simon Langdon25-Jan-13 0:38
Simon Langdon25-Jan-13 0:38 
AnswerRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
CPallini25-Jan-13 0:59
mveCPallini25-Jan-13 0:59 
AnswerRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Freak3025-Jan-13 1:08
Freak3025-Jan-13 1:08 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Simon Langdon25-Jan-13 1:41
Simon Langdon25-Jan-13 1:41 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Stefan_Lang29-Jan-13 0:02
Stefan_Lang29-Jan-13 0:02 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Simon Langdon29-Jan-13 0:38
Simon Langdon29-Jan-13 0:38 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Stefan_Lang29-Jan-13 4:31
Stefan_Lang29-Jan-13 4:31 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
CPallini25-Jan-13 2:04
mveCPallini25-Jan-13 2:04 
GeneralRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Freak3027-Jan-13 23:30
Freak3027-Jan-13 23:30 
AnswerRe: Stuck with function pointers in C and C++ Pin
Stephen Hewitt27-Jan-13 4:40
Stephen Hewitt27-Jan-13 4:40 
QuestionUSB Device Path Handle Problem Pin
002comp24-Jan-13 21:21
002comp24-Jan-13 21:21 

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