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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralMessage Closed Pin
28-Nov-12 0:26
Lamourou28-Nov-12 0:26 
GeneralRe: How to use ribbon in MFC Activex control Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Nov-12 1:10
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Nov-12 1:10 
Questionhow to use more than one rc file in vc6 project at the same time when compiling project Pin
yingkou27-Nov-12 19:59
yingkou27-Nov-12 19:59 
AnswerRe: how to use more than one rc file in vc6 project at the same time when compiling project Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Nov-12 23:42
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Nov-12 23:42 
GeneralRe: how to use more than one rc file in vc6 project at the same time when compiling project Pin
yingkou28-Nov-12 14:35
yingkou28-Nov-12 14:35 
AnswerRe: how to use more than one rc file in vc6 project at the same time when compiling project Pin
David Crow28-Nov-12 17:33
David Crow28-Nov-12 17:33 
AnswerRe: how to use more than one rc file in vc6 project at the same time when compiling project Pin
Freak3028-Nov-12 23:33
Freak3028-Nov-12 23:33 
Questiontransparency in 32bit bmp in vs2010 Pin
002comp27-Nov-12 19:21
002comp27-Nov-12 19:21 
Hello Friends

I ported my application from VC6 to VS2010 in mfc.In vc6 , using 8bit indexed bmp as Dialog'Toolbar. But in VS2010,after porting Icons colors are corrupted and not showing icons properly.And Icons which are disabled are hidden. Its showing up only when they get enabled.

So,now m facing two problems:
first,Icons colors are not proper.
Second,its showing background color too. m Guessing that background color only hiding my icons on disable.Its not showing transparency as it is happening with 8bit images.Any Ideas?

I tried by changing bmp to 32 bit then icon'color came fine but other prob still.

Any help will be Appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
AnswerRe: transparency in 32bit bmp in vs2010 Pin
Hadi Dayvary27-Nov-12 21:42
professionalHadi Dayvary27-Nov-12 21:42 
GeneralRe: transparency in 32bit bmp in vs2010 Pin
002comp27-Nov-12 23:11
002comp27-Nov-12 23:11 
GeneralRe: transparency in 32bit bmp in vs2010 Pin
Hadi Dayvary28-Nov-12 0:00
professionalHadi Dayvary28-Nov-12 0:00 
QuestionHow To Use Macro In dsp file(VC6.0 *.dsp file) Pin
yingkou27-Nov-12 14:59
yingkou27-Nov-12 14:59 
SuggestionRe: How To Use Macro In dsp file(VC6.0 *.dsp file) Pin
Albert Holguin27-Nov-12 16:30
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Nov-12 16:30 
GeneralRe: How To Use Macro In dsp file(VC6.0 *.dsp file) Pin
yingkou28-Nov-12 21:50
yingkou28-Nov-12 21:50 
GeneralRe: How To Use Macro In dsp file(VC6.0 *.dsp file) Pin
Albert Holguin29-Nov-12 4:55
professionalAlbert Holguin29-Nov-12 4:55 
QuestionA class for operations with Large Integer Numbers Pin
Pahanuch27-Nov-12 12:39
Pahanuch27-Nov-12 12:39 
AnswerRe: A class for operations with Large Integer Numbers Pin
Albert Holguin27-Nov-12 16:34
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Nov-12 16:34 
AnswerRe: A class for operations with Large Integer Numbers Pin
Stefan_Lang28-Nov-12 3:01
Stefan_Lang28-Nov-12 3:01 
QuestionSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Vaclav_27-Nov-12 6:39
Vaclav_27-Nov-12 6:39 
AnswerRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Nov-12 6:50
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Nov-12 6:50 
AnswerRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Jochen Arndt27-Nov-12 22:54
professionalJochen Arndt27-Nov-12 22:54 
GeneralRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Vaclav_28-Nov-12 4:50
Vaclav_28-Nov-12 4:50 
GeneralRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Jochen Arndt28-Nov-12 5:35
professionalJochen Arndt28-Nov-12 5:35 
GeneralRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Vaclav_28-Nov-12 7:03
Vaclav_28-Nov-12 7:03 
GeneralRe: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size? Pin
Jochen Arndt28-Nov-12 8:19
professionalJochen Arndt28-Nov-12 8:19 

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