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AnswerRe: 921600 Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Nov-12 5:11
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Nov-12 5:11 
GeneralRe: 921600 Pin
C-P-User-31-Nov-12 6:46
C-P-User-31-Nov-12 6:46 
GeneralRe: 921600 Pin
C-P-User-312-Nov-12 6:17
C-P-User-312-Nov-12 6:17 
QuestionThreads and semaphores Pin
C-P-User-331-Oct-12 7:11
C-P-User-331-Oct-12 7:11 
AnswerRe: Threads and semaphores Pin
Clifford Nelson31-Oct-12 8:02
Clifford Nelson31-Oct-12 8:02 
GeneralRe: Threads and semaphores Pin
C-P-User-32-Nov-12 6:27
C-P-User-32-Nov-12 6:27 
GeneralRe: Threads and semaphores Pin
Clifford Nelson2-Nov-12 6:44
Clifford Nelson2-Nov-12 6:44 
Questioncasting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:15
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:15 
hi ,

I got an object which is a generic, at runtime i pass the type for T and create the proper object. the generic object as follows

class parent <T>
 string name;
 T childObject;

I create the parent<x> in runtime using the reflection , for e.g.

Type type = x;
Dynamic response = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(parent<>).MakeGenericType(type));

it works fine , but the problem is when I try to assign an object to response.childObject it gives me an exception saying that i'm missing cast and it cannot implicitly cast the object.

the object try to assign is also created using reflection,

ADDED LATER: I'm not sure this part will be important for this issue , but anyway , the object i'm trying to assign to response.childObject is also an object created by deserialization , means

for in order to deserialize this object i have to give the type , so that type also crated using reflection in a similar way described above.

i would really appreciate your help on this.

thanks in advance.

modified 31-Oct-12 12:43pm.

AnswerRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:31
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:31 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:34
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:34 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:41
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:41 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:48
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 6:48 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:48
Simon_Whale31-Oct-12 6:48 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 17:04
prasadbuddhika31-Oct-12 17:04 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
Simon_Whale1-Nov-12 0:45
Simon_Whale1-Nov-12 0:45 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 4:24
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 4:24 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
Simon_Whale1-Nov-12 5:05
Simon_Whale1-Nov-12 5:05 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 5:25
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 5:25 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
BobJanova1-Nov-12 5:19
BobJanova1-Nov-12 5:19 
GeneralRe: casting at runtime in c# Pin
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 5:28
prasadbuddhika1-Nov-12 5:28 
QuestionC# Experts Pin
Member 955692930-Oct-12 19:32
Member 955692930-Oct-12 19:32 
AnswerRe: C# Experts Pin
Pete O'Hanlon30-Oct-12 21:29
mvePete O'Hanlon30-Oct-12 21:29 
QuestionSocket read deserialization exception (fyi - problem already resolved) Pin
devvvy30-Oct-12 17:19
devvvy30-Oct-12 17:19 
QuestionMaking Serial Port Visible Pin
C-P-User-330-Oct-12 11:35
C-P-User-330-Oct-12 11:35 
AnswerRe: Making Serial Port Visible Pin
Pete O'Hanlon30-Oct-12 11:59
mvePete O'Hanlon30-Oct-12 11:59 

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